The other clutches were roughly 30 eggs and i think this one was around 20. I restricted her diet to eating a few large crickets every other day and 2 supers once a week. Basking is at 85
Update its been around 30 days since the pairing and she died today. No sypmtons were shown of being sick. She was not skinny, still eating, and was active. She has laid eggs 3 times and always laid in her potted plant. Difference this time is i have a new plant but is way more bushy and better...
Wassup Cham Fam, been dealing with this issue for a while and need some expert advice. How can we prevent female chameleons from becoming eggbound and how can we make them comfortable to lay eggs when they are refusing to lay?
Oh okay thanks for the info. I’m just worried about the visual stress the babies might have due to seeing other big chameleons. So i will probably get the solid color one if it does not matter 👍🏽 If anybody has anymore opinions about this let me and everybody know.
Wassup cham fam, any experienced breeders that can help me out? I wanted to know if you pair a female with one male then another in a few months how will you know who the sire will be if she has retained sperm? Is it based off the freshest sperm and the retained is meant for a female that has no...