Filling out the health form will help people pin point what may be causing her stress. Dark colors can also be her trying to get warm. Is it an overall dark color or just spots? Any pics?
Ha! Yes! My ambilobe does this. And when I first started his eye meds, he would think the q tip was bringing food and would target it. I felt so bad that he was expecting a worm and instead got eye meds, lol.
Never heard of pink in the feces before. This thread has awesome info and pics of different fecals:
But I definitely second the more experience members on here, the day sleeping is a bad sign, he should be seen by a vet :(
So sorry for your loss :( chams can have dark color changes when they pass. Is it the inside of his mouth tho??
If you fill in this info, the forum members may be able to help better. Sorry again for your loss.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How...
So sorry for your loss :( if you do decide on another, the community will be happy to help with advice on setup and husbandry.
The biggest thing about this case, it sounds a lot like mbd or vitamin deficient. Chams don't loose their grip or slip when they are healthy. Mbd is prevented by good...
I haven't had Jackson's, but I've been researching a storm on them ;) pictures may help experienced keepers judge if she is pregnant. Howerever! Knowing wild caught Jackson's, and how long they can keep retained sperm. I would have basic supplies set aside, just in case. Even if she is not...