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  1. S

    Infertile Eggs

    yep your right, shes eating away. hopefully she will put some weight back on.
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    Starting to build a wooden - where do I find foam blocks?

    yea sure did. i waited intil the branches on the pothos were a couple feet long, then just took the tie wraps from the grocery store and tied them to the vines. then they will grow up and around the vines. ive got to say, i love pothos. incredibly hard to kill, even with a cham walking all...
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    Starting to build a wooden - where do I find foam blocks?

    yep like i said the pothos will eventually take over the whole cage... heres my other one with a little head start.
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    Starting to build a wooden - where do I find foam blocks?

    heres a pic of my first one... i know the cage is bare, but give the pothos a couple months to fill in:)
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    Making one pothos plant, two pothos plants

    google is your friend... take the end of one of your vines or sprouts, and cut it with a new razor blade so there are about 3 leaves still on the parent plant. remove the bottom leaf and stick the end you just cut in soil (or water) and treat it like a new plant. if you have trouble...
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    Infertile Eggs

    generally, how long after laying do the female pick up their eating habits? she is drinking like a fish (shes always loved water).
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    New pics of Sebastian...

    seba is going to grow up into a good lookin dude. looks like lots of orange is coming in. where did you get him?
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    Infertile Eggs

    so secondary clutches generally follow a fertile clutch? i have read your page, but im still trying to get all the little details. thanks
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    Infertile Eggs

    a little over 1, maybe 14 months.
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    Infertile Eggs

    Well my veiled (first time) has layed all 34 eggs into the sand last night. I am amazed that all of those eggs came out of her! They are pretty darn good digger might i add. I will post a pic tomorrow of the eggs, but from what i can tell they look normal. Now at this point im going to...
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    Agnes showing receptive colors

    i have a female today that somewhat appeared to have receptive colors (though she has been showing them for a while) today i tried to breed her, and she got her gravid colors and rejected him. i figured id give her a bin to lay, and shes currently finishing up laying the infertile eggs...
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    more eggs!

    *lucky lotto numbers*
  13. S

    Questions about Misting parts.

    Easy DIY misting kit for those who have easy acess to waterlines to where your chams are stored why dont you try the following... use a "T" off from your cold water line to a 110v silinoid valve (like the ones in your washer, ice maker ect- about $20) plugged directly into a digital timer...
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    Reputable Breeder

    the nice thing about paypal is if they dont send it, you can dispute it. the second you dispute, they put the money in escrow.
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    Starting to build a wooden - where do I find foam blocks?

    i have also made foam rock walls for my cages. lowes does carry the foam, its in large 4x6 sheets with thickness from 1/2 to 2 or so inches. it comes with a plastic sheet on it, peel it off(you can leave it on for the back). i will post a picture of mine later tonight. buy two of the large...
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    how well do dubias climb?

    now do you say never feed adults becuase it will slow down the breeding speed, or is there a health hazard (such as a tough shell)? i checked, and the bins i have are sterilte, not rubbermaid. how long will it take to go from 50 to several hundred? thanks for all your help, ive never...
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    How often to veileds lay eggs?

    so if bred on a consistant basis, how often do the female lay eggs, every 30 days!?! seems like alot. im looking to start breeding, but i do want to give the females a chance to regain strength and calcium levels again. what is a good mating schedule?
  18. S

    how well do dubias climb?

    for a container, i was just going to use a rubbermaid with a heat pad stuck to the bottom. i have seen people use wood shavings as substrate, what substrate is ideal? also if i were to buy say 50 random size roaches, how long does it take for them to get a well established colony to feed from?
  19. S

    how well do dubias climb?

    if I was to put slick packing tape inside a feeding cup would they be able to climb out like other roaches? im just trying to avoid the rediculously expensive teflon paint.
  20. S

    Eye pouches???

    i have found a couple articles (thanks google) of chams with the same condition.
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