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  1. Denverbug

    Hand feeding

    I got him about 4/5 months ago. Bought him from a pet store they told me he was about 4 months. They just got him in so I'm assuming he was probably wc but I could be wrong
  2. Denverbug

    Hand feeding

    My guy has no problem taking food straight from my hand. It takes all of about 2 sec. for him to snatch it from me but that's about all I can get out of him. He will tolerate me but no sir, he dose not like me.
  3. Denverbug

    Hand feeding

    Dose hand feeding really mean his warming up? I've hand feed my guy since the first day I got him. However he still wants nothing els to do with me. Even sometimes when I hand feed he will hiss and snap up his snack at the same time.
  4. Denverbug

    Let's Keep It Real

    Well you can all look down on me. All I use is fake. I have only had my Cham for about five months and have never sat up a terrarium before. I have been debating switching to live. Howevere every week I can completely break down my set up spray everything off and set it back up. This is the...
  5. Denverbug


    I'm sorry idk but just wanted to say that's a great avatar pic. Nice shot
  6. Denverbug

    Carpet care

    I am interested in purchasing a carpet chameleon but am having trouble finding a detailed care sheet. Anyone who knows the specifics for a carpet or who has a good link to a detailed care sheet would love to hear from you. All I have been able to find on carpet care is real general not a lot of...
  7. Denverbug

    What was wrong with him?

    I'm sorry you lost your little guy. Did you free range him on any house plants? Is it possible he ate fertilizer?
  8. Denverbug

    New Owner :)

    I agree looks female no spurs. More dominate female markings definitely need a laying bin
  9. Denverbug

    So I contacted Petsmart's corporate office...

    I do understand how chams live in the wild. It's not just the water or even just chams. But every animal should be kept in proper conditions. If u have to explain to a few people a day why their kept the way they are I don't see a problem with that . What I do have a problem with is keeping them...
  10. Denverbug

    So I contacted Petsmart's corporate office...

    Then they should explain to the public why there is no water in there. Instead of putting these chams in harms way. If u ask me explaining why there is no water bowl in there could only help people who are truly interested in purchasing one. Pure laziness if u can't explain why u keep the...
  11. Denverbug

    new cham

    Your cage is a little barren I would get some more foilage in there for your little guy. Congrats and good luck
  12. Denverbug

    just got my first chameleon!!! =]

    I don't see any spur either. But I thought for some reason females had a different pattern as well. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  13. Denverbug

    Need resources

    1.2 it is so maybe I'll hold off on the male. I will contact u about the carpets. Thanks again
  14. Denverbug

    Need resources

    The end of June may just work for the carpet. I know U have Pygmys coming but I'm pretty excited about getting those guys soon. However they seem to kinda hard to find. I wanted 2 males and one female to breed so I may get my males now and hold off on my female untill yours are ready. Or is it...
  15. Denverbug

    Need resources

    In the next month or so I am looking to get a few Pygmys. Howevere I'm having trouble finding specific care sheet any link would be app. Also with in a few months a would like to get a carpet and would also app. any link to a care sheet for carpets. Thank you all.
  16. Denverbug

    Help me please

    I hear ya boys are boys I only have one and has a handful.
  17. Denverbug

    Help me please

    My Cham does not like being handled at all however I do hand feed. I have a 4 year old son and let him hand feed him as well. So long as children are supervised while feedin it's something they may really enjoy. However I also know having three children around is a lot different than one.
  18. Denverbug

    Small chameleon

    So I read all the replies on this thread but still don't see a definitive reason as to why this Cham is so small. If they are starving them wouldn't they look skinny and unhealthy. The reason I ask is because I have seen a veild at pet smart for about six months. He is only about 3" not...
  19. Denverbug

    Buying a chameleon in Colorado any suggestions

    Is your budget for your Cham only? Or does this include your money for your setup. Your budget can really dictate what you can get.
  20. Denverbug

    Crazy Chameleon ?

    Try different feeders if your feeding him the same thing everyday he may just be bored with it.
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