So I hadn't realized the link to my video showing our veiled, Zeke, walking willingly onto my hand... Darnit!!! I was wondering why no one said anything! (Thanks Jannb for helping! :) )
Hopefully this one works because I want to show people that they can be sweethearts...
This ~7month old petco baby is growing up amazingly. We've had him for about 5months. Loving his color and patterns. (Except that burn on his casque that I feel terrible about :( ) Such a sweetheart too!
Hope his babies are as handsome, beautiful, and loving as him. :)
I just HAD to share my excitement! I've been trying to get Zeke to be more comfortable with me via hand feeding.
He's been pretty stubborn and not eating crickets from me, BUT he rarely runs away when I ease my hand under him to take him out of the cage for a little bonding time.
Today he...
I've cosplayed at AX in LA for a few years and even staffed for them for a couple years. Def a fun and interesting hobby. :)
I gave him a heads up about your post and he is aware that he will have a request from you. ;) goodluck with everything! Hope it all works out!
Fillig out the form will help more with details too. 2 crickets a day for a growing baby doesn't sound right either. Also a 12hr day with that temp is a lot for the little guy. :/ Try keeping it like a regulated day when the sun is out. I turn my lights on around 730am and off around 530pm.
I think your temp is kinda high for a 6wk old baby?? Not entirely sure but I think ive seen someone comment on another thread about too high a temp for the little ones. That should be a temp for an adult.
Hopefully someone else will confirm. Lowering your temp might help, but it might not be...
That's great news! It's good to hear things have changed for the better. :)
In regards to your gutload for the crickets im sure someone will chime in on that. Ive seen a lot of responses that those gutloads arent the greatest. I kept hearing about "cricket crack" or something?? There are others...
So far Zeke has a pretty good temperament, some minor kinks that im working on with him but overall he's def a sweetheart.
I would like to free range him at some point though. I always keep an eye on where zeke sleeps and the location of the cresties. They've been housed together since we've...
I don't have any experience with pygmy's, but they seem rather small and their enclosures and set ups different.
I do however, have experience with housing a veiled and crested gecko together.
My male veiled (6months) currently shares his enclosure with 2 crested geckos (male and female)...
Yea I'm using our closet where we keep our female veiled's free range. Placed them right on the clothing rack above her lamps! Kinda makes the heat convenient. ;) I have our veild's eggs up there right beside our cresties too!!! Haha! The thermometer gauge I have on the tupperwares reads 74~76...
Someone beat me to the laying bin set up! And i meant that i did all the spraying and after care the next morning when I turned on the lights and she woke up.
This is what was linked to me when me girl was gravid:
They also say not to disturb her, not even watch her, while she is digging as it may...
Cool thanks! :) So should I still keep the small yellow ones that are likely infertile?? Or just keep them until definitely gone bad since they're separated anyway.
Is it common for a ratio of that many eggs to be bad?? That's almost half! Did I do something wrong with her care while the eggs...
Okay, so I changed the medium to vermiculite and separated the "good eggs" from the moldy ones.
To be honest I used a q-tip to gently remove whatever mold I could from the eggs that had it before putting them in the new medium. I'm hoping that will kind of "reset" everything and if they...