You're going to want to get more than that if you're getting mixed nymphs. I'd say 50-100 is about as small as you'll find, any less and you'd be paying more shipping than product.
However, if you're getting adults, amounts of 10 or 20 adults are available from most roach breeders.
Quote of truth. MBD is treated with prescription grade liquid calcium, so they are saying this is a good "alternative", but I wouldn't gamble on that fact: if my chams get MBD, I'm doing what I know works...the liquid calcium lol
Are you talking about the Feeder Nazi? Not naming any names, but he's the sole feeder business allowed at Repticon shows now because he's worked out an exclusivity deal with the Repticon staff. Now he goes around to the animal vendors at Repticon that sell hornworms, silkworms, and other...
You read right, we need your roaches to bolster our stocks. We are offering the cost of shipping + a store voucher for the wholesale value of your roaches, which will be discussed before shipping and verified after shipping.
Currently, we're actively seeking...
Blaberus Discoidialis
This is VERY TRUE. Out of almost all the feeder roaches you could have chosen, how did you decide upon Turks? They are horrible, and I've got some that I don't even want anymore, and I don't want to feed them either out of fear of them escaping.
Every now and then I find a dubia roach baby...
Do more than just drill holes in the bin for ventilation. I like to take a dremel to it, cut out a rectangle, use some hot glue or silicone and paste the aluminum window screen on both the front and the back (to be doubly sure they won't escape) and you're all set.
Having a lot of ventilation...
You're going to have an issue keeping your roaches warm in winter if you can't bring them inside. I'd recommend keeping them in a heated outbuilding or garage during these months, as temps below 45 WILL kill your roaches.
Feed your males until they won't eat anymore, which could be as many as 10 if they're really hungry, but I'm guessing yours isn't that large.
Yes, males can eat their fill, females need to have their diets more regulated. Little heffers. lol
Dubia roaches are a great replacement of crickets...
I'd say get a cup of 100 mixed size nymphs, that way you'll get a taste (hopefully not literally) of each size baby. I'll throw in a male or two adults so you can check those out too.
How old is your little guy?
There's this one too...
Hornworm Chow Recipe 2
DI water 2L (DI = De-Ionized)
agar 40 grams
streptomycin sulfate 0.4 grams
ascorbic acid 8 grams
10% formalin 40 mL
linseed oil 8 mL
Vitamin Solution 20mL
Preparation of Agar Solution:
***For those who prefer to prepare agar...
Agar you can get at a lot of vitamin shoppes. I've made this recipe myself, ending in vast amounts of mold in about a week, and I mean VAST (3/4 of the pod full), but it's a good starting point as the dry mix did look like a lot of hornworm chows I have used with Small Pet Feeders.
I'm still...
Yea, um, I wouldn't do that one. Wild Roaches commonly run through pesticides and insecticides, and gutloading won't get rid of all the residue. Not a good idea to feed an insect that feasts on filth and walks through unknown poisons and substances.
I have this one....
Hornworm Chow Recipe 1
A Homemade Recipe for Hornworm Diet
We have developed a diet composed of ingredients that are readily available in a large supermarket. Diet preparation requires only a kitchen blender and a microwave oven. The finished diet, having the...
There are a few carnivorous species of roaches like Orange Deathheads that may eat meat, but as far as bite, that might be far fetched. A lot of the species do spit at you though, like Deathheads...lil bastards.
Yea, Dermestids. We're actually beginning to breed our own at Small Pet Feeders, including them with our Roaches and Crickets most likely, or just to sell as a beneficial insect. As others have said, they're awesome for keeping bins clear of organic matter.