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  1. DrRhymes

    Sick Chameleon?

    Hey! Would you mind filling this out to give everyone a more complete picture? Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What...
  2. DrRhymes

    Photos of my boys Amos and Stanley

    Handsome boys!
  3. DrRhymes

    My baby chameleon is having issues

    I would also take a lot at the resource tab on this website, gives a lot of info on what you should be feeding her. There is also good info for most aspects of husbandry.
  4. DrRhymes


    Yeah my guy seems healthy and is eating well but he is on the smaller side
  5. DrRhymes

    Welcome Cooper (My Baby Parsonii)

    Congratulations Jann :D he/she is adorable. Welcome Cooper :D Nate
  6. DrRhymes

    New owner help :)

    Usually baby crickets don't bite, but if you want to be safe you could cup feed him and maybe let 1-2 out in to the cage so he has an opportunity to hunt.
  7. DrRhymes

    Vet check up?

    Its up to you but a few hours of stress is probably worth going through to ensure your chameleon is healthy
  8. DrRhymes

    Gus'sBig Boy cage

    Water proof the bottom?
  9. DrRhymes

    Gus'sBig Boy cage

    Those are wooden dowels of varying sizes from home depot, and ya I used thumbtacKs to keep the dowels in place. I'm glad you guys like it :D
  10. DrRhymes

    Gus'sBig Boy cage

    I moved Gus to his big boy cage :D
  11. DrRhymes

    Gus is doing well

    He has no problems with eyes at all, seems like Gus is over his initial health issues because he hasn't had any problems for over a month and a half
  12. DrRhymes

    Gus is doing well

    Here is Gus he his eating has really picked up and he his starting to grow a lot more :D
  13. DrRhymes

    Tribute to Luie

    I'm so sorry for your loss my thoughts and prayers go out to you.
  14. DrRhymes

    What kind of camera do you all use

    I use a Canon SX50 simple to use and takes great photos :D
  15. DrRhymes

    Help!!!!! Male or female.

    Looks to my like a he because of the spurs on his hind feet.
  16. DrRhymes

    Jr Had Emergency Surgery

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you Jr. I hope he makes a fast recovery.
  17. DrRhymes

    Please Help Me

    Just generally your basking seems a little to hot. As for her eye I can only think of a few things that are causing it: Vitamin A deficiency, Something in the eye such a shed or dirt, or the humidity is incorrect but the humidity sounds good to me.
  18. DrRhymes

    Please Help Me

    Is today the first time you have seen her doing this? It is most probable that she has something in her eye. Could you fill out the
  19. DrRhymes

    Might need to give my cham away...

    I'm not sure having him move a way for a while is the best idea, mostly because you will have stress either if you clean his cage or when you move him to a completely different place. Could you summarize his recent problems and why you think it is a necessary step to move him away for a while.
  20. DrRhymes

    Can someone help me and my veiled, named Carmen

    Yellow means she is a bit dehydrated, has she acted weird before hanging out at the bottom?
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