I bought Spike from Blue Beast Reptiles in Vegas. He had acquired him from a show (in Chicago I believe) and did not have background knowledge of his parents.
In the pic I attached, it may be noteworthy to note that his horn had been straight and then took an immediate and sudden turn to the...
When I left for Iraq (not fun), my Jackson had perfectly straight horns. Upon my return I found that his center, nose horn had turned up. I didn't think much about it until I noticed on one of the sites (I think FLA Chams) that they proudly declare straight horned Jacksons. My question is...
My female Veiled, born last May, is one I intend to breed with my male. I planned on waiting until she is about 9 months old, not wanting to have her get a clutch too soo. Unfortunately, she started scratching around the bottom. I put a box of soil in (not to mention the potted plant already...
I looked at the levels they measured and the distances. I did take away from it that I should have all of my light elements on for 3 hrs or so before putting them on the cage (burn in period). Yes, the compacts can concentrate the amount and yes, there is a phosporant that should not be used...
I seldom see my Veileds drink. I see my Jackson drink quite often. Sometimes when I mist him he will open his mouth and catch the water directly. The Veileds RUN for cover when they are misted.
How old is your Cham? I have a female veiled that is doing the same thing. I was a bit surprised though since she is 7 months old and no time with a male. That seemed a bit young (I thought) without mating to "encourage" things.
Brad et al, other than "spinach has oxalic acid in it", do you have a link or ref on amounts. I am curious. Everything is toxic, it is the amount that matters and not just whether or not it is present. I find it hard to believe that gut loading crickets with any veg would ever achieve an...
I have a tough time keeping my crickets alive. I think it is too cold where they are. My garage would CERTAINLY be too cold as it is subzero right now.
I have two veileds and the male is brown most of the time while the female is green as green can be. They are siblings and are being raised in the same manner, so I think it is just their regular, respective colors. Like yours, mine will change when stressed.
I know some of you have UV meters, and wonder if anyone has measured the UV output from the regular, curly, plugs into a regular socket, dept store fluorescent bulbs?
hey, have any of you UV meter owners ever measured the UV output from those curly, fluorescent bulbs from departments stores? Do they have any UV output?
On a different post (maybe even different site) I saw someone had stated that his cham wouldn't eat soldier fly larvae until he mixed them in a dish with some crickets. Once this was done the cham got used to eating them and would readily eat just the fly larvae.
I once saw a set up (not for roaches) that used an aquarium heater in a mason jar of water to heat a terrestrial vivarium and it seemed to work. Built in thermostat. I have never actually tried it myself though and it would see that this would only work for an area that was already somewhat...
There are some things that would not be killed by being frozen, depending on temps, duration, etc. The only way to truly get everything is to autoclave which uses high pressure steam. This is what is done with commercial potting soil, etc. Universities and hospitals use them (autoclaves, not...