great! thanks for the help! Any ideas when this brumation phase will end? I gave her a lukewarm bath, this time not in my sink but in my actual bath. I turned the lights off, but he had the lights from outside. There is about 2mm on one end of the bath and about 1.5cm on the other.
Hello, i have been having many issues with my beardie. She is about a year and a half old and she not been pooping, eating nor drinking. I read that giving beardies a lukewarm bath would allow your bearded dragon to absorb a bit of water. This is what i hav been doing once every 4-7 days. But...
i tried to order crickets from mulberry farms but i can't... they only deliver in the US and im in canada... any other recommended places which deliver alive and for cheap to canada.. or more precise in montreal, QC??
great! i put clear packaging tape before all around the tank just in case, but should i put it just over the aquarium glue, or do i HAVE to put it all around
i have succesfully breaded my first 'batch' of newborn crickets. there are hundred of the little guys and i know they are good climbers (i looked it up and they keep climbing up the tank). my tank is made of glass and has some sort or rubbery sub stand on the sides (like all other tanks so water...
YAY! what would ido without chameleon forums??? and alot of others...niji is fine! not only brecause of this website, but thans to amazing people who make it that way!after asking questions many people did the best they could with only brief descriptions. as you all know we ask "life or death"...
alright so i found one in your website that sounds good, about 35-45 minutes from my house (practicly next to my friends house) and its called the bird and exotic animal hospital, the reviews are amazing, saying they drive acrose the city for their experteise and they really know what they are...
thank you, OMG while im doing this i am next to my cham and am currently nticing things, is it bad if she randomly hisses, at nothing? does it mean she could hav bugs? it does doesnt it...
alright thank you very much, just one more thing, do you have any websites, or suggestion for were a vet would be? im thinking maybe at the animal hospital, but am not very sure where it is (their website is useless for that)