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im so worried! so i was visiting florida for a week and my friend down the street took care of my cham (niji) she is experienced with my animals, when she comes to my house , i see her admiring my cham and feeding her perfectly... shes a natural! so of course i chose her and not my aunt whom just gave birth. so wen i left she emailed me that everything was fine, only niji, most of all wasnt looking to good, she said she refusted to eat, and drink, of coarse then i thought that it was fine, she just isnt hungry nor thirsty, no biggy! she emailed me again saying she still wasnt eating and look very de-hidrated so i gave her instructions on how to force-feed, and to look on as many websites as possible to make sure mine were correct, with her details she sent me, she did it well but miji only ate 1 cricket. i get back home and she is fine only for the past days (3) she has been loosing grip on her ficusand randomly falling upside-down, refusing to eat her eyesare becoming puffy again, AND they keep leaking. they are all red inside. i dicided ok, im putting her in the cage, putting more heat and humidity and putting a bowl of mealworms and water incase she dicides to eat.she is green, but looks very weak. im in montreal and i want to take her to the vet asap but the only vet within miles (that i could find) is in toronto, but school starts tommorw so im going to be very buisy. i need your help!!! any special formula i can make or something? she recintly turned 2!!! shes b=very younge 2 die!:confused::mad::(
Oh no! It sounds like her eyes are infected, and maybe there is infection in more places than just her eyes since she is weak. She needs to see a vet sooner rather than later. Feeding is not critical at this point and may actually cause more harm than good with the stress of forcing it. I would not be force feeding at all. An adult cham can go more than a week without food easily. The bigger problem is the weakness and eyes, and that needs to be addressed.
alright thank you very much, just one more thing, do you have any websites, or suggestion for were a vet would be? im thinking maybe at the animal hospital, but am not very sure where it is (their website is useless for that)
Remember chameleons hide signs of illness very, very well. So when they start showing actual signs of illness that means that they are very sick and quickly getting closer to dying. Quick intervention is the key to figuring out what the problem is and how to fix it. Waiting too long after they show signs of sickness can make them too far gone by the time a vet sees them. Weakness is a very serious sign that needs to addressed quickly because that means the illness is overwhelming her already. These animals are much more fragile than dogs and cats and cannot just sit around to see if they get better when they are falling off branches.
thank you, OMG while im doing this i am next to my cham and am currently nticing things, is it bad if she randomly hisses, at nothing? does it mean she could hav bugs? it does doesnt it...
alright so i found one in your website that sounds good, about 35-45 minutes from my house (practicly next to my friends house) and its called the bird and exotic animal hospital, the reviews are amazing, saying they drive acrose the city for their experteise and they really know what they are doing, but i dont want to send her off to any random place with good reviews, i want to check the website to make sure, but i cant apparently its an "insecure website"
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