New Member
im so worried! so i was visiting florida for a week and my friend down the street took care of my cham (niji) she is experienced with my animals, when she comes to my house , i see her admiring my cham and feeding her perfectly... shes a natural! so of course i chose her and not my aunt whom just gave birth. so wen i left she emailed me that everything was fine, only niji, most of all wasnt looking to good, she said she refusted to eat, and drink, of coarse then i thought that it was fine, she just isnt hungry nor thirsty, no biggy! she emailed me again saying she still wasnt eating and look very de-hidrated so i gave her instructions on how to force-feed, and to look on as many websites as possible to make sure mine were correct, with her details she sent me, she did it well but miji only ate 1 cricket. i get back home and she is fine only for the past days (3) she has been loosing grip on her ficusand randomly falling upside-down, refusing to eat her eyesare becoming puffy again, AND they keep leaking. they are all red inside. i dicided ok, im putting her in the cage, putting more heat and humidity and putting a bowl of mealworms and water incase she dicides to eat.she is green, but looks very weak. im in montreal and i want to take her to the vet asap but the only vet within miles (that i could find) is in toronto, but school starts tommorw so im going to be very buisy. i need your help!!! any special formula i can make or something? she recintly turned 2!!! shes b=very younge 2 die!