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  1. J

    Thinking about getting a Jackson

    Thats good to know. From what I read from that article they seems to be a little nicer than Veiled which is also a plus. Thanks.
  2. J

    Thinking about getting a Jackson

    I am thinking about getting a Jackson. I used to have Veiled but it died during the winter because my house got too cold but that won't be a problem now. My question is how does a Jackson compare to a Veiled?
  3. J

    Jackson living with Geckos

    Really? I didn't know that. They don't ever seem to have problems.
  4. J

    Jackson living with Geckos

    I wanted to know if a baby Jackson cham could live with my Crested and Leopard Gecko?
  5. J

    Female Vieled Chameleon Attitude

    You know how males can be somewhat spiteful at times, are females just as bad?
  6. J

    How much harder are jacksons to raise

    Its ok. I want to try another cham but I not totally sure what to get. I have about fifty and was think of a young jackson or maybe one from lllreptile.
  7. J

    How much harder are jacksons to raise

    Not sure, because it was starting to warm up, but by that time it was to late. It was sad watching him. He was half in and out, he wouldn't even move his eyes anymore and when I reached in to get him he didn't see me.
  8. J

    How much harder are jacksons to raise

    Four months, I took good care of him. He was just starting to get his personality to. I sat up with him all night trying to warm him back up.
  9. J

    How much harder are jacksons to raise

    Well I used to have a veilded and it got to cold real quick and he died. Or that is what we think.
  10. J

    How much harder are jacksons to raise

    How much harder is it to have a Jackson chameleon compared to a vielded?
  11. J

    Chameleon is starting to trust me

    Ok, thanks.
  12. J

    Chameleon is starting to trust me

    I'm so happy! My chameleon is starting to trust me more. He doesn't run away as much when I try to hold him and he doesn't hesitate to eat out of my hand! :D :D :D :D :D
  13. J

    Chameleon Color

    After awhile they went I guess that means he calmed down?
  14. J


    I just use a spray bottle.
  15. J

    Chameleon Color

    He has shown colors much like the one in resGuys avatar. The picture I showed you was after being held a little while. The yellow bands that come side to side on his sides in my picture is all-the-time colors.
  16. J


    So I guess it is just how he is.
  17. J

    How is my cage?

    Here is what it looks like now. I have a vine hanging from the corner where the light used to be. I also add some other vines here and there.
  18. J


    Do your chameleons like being misted? When every water touches mine he tends to run(well not really run, but move faster) out of the path of the water.
  19. J

    How is my cage?

    I will empty the water out of the water fall but I would like to keep the actual thing in there. It adds a nice touch to the cage. I moved the light to the out side and add more vine it looks really nice. Thanks for the help.
  20. J

    Chameleon Color

    So when your handling the chameleon and it is fairly bright green he is stressed. Will he be a dull green when he calms down?
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