How is my cage?


New Member
This cage is sutible for my veiled chameleon or should I change it around?
It is about two feet wide and deep and three feet tall (not including legs).
I have a UV bulb that has 7% UVB. It has a waterfall in the corner.
I think it could probaly use some more greenery.


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I seriously suggest moving the bulb outside the cage.
Waterfalls are not reccomended because of the high bacteria build up and chameleons intolerance for it.
hhow old is he and what size???
somewere between 3-6 months old his body is about 6" long
I seriously suggest moving the bulb outside the cage.
Waterfalls are not reccomended because of the high bacteria build up and chameleons intolerance for it.
Is there a treatmeat to put in the waterfalls water or could I let it dry out every few days to kill the bacteria?
But it is not standing it is constantly moving it. I just hate to take the waterfall out because since it has been in there my chameleon has been acting happier.
well put it outside right next to's standing water cause it's not being filtered and ...just cause you move the water doesn't mean there isn't bacteria in it
Bo offense Jaeg, but if you ask a question don't contradict everything we tell you just don't put the waterfall in the cage and thats it, I don't think that you're Veiled would mind if you put it outside next to the cage :)
I didn't contradict everything (o' great I just did, sorry). I didn't want to take it out because there is a hole in the top where the cord goes out. I will take it out. I think I will build a mister for the cage. I had a cool idea, I am begining with electronics and I have the parts to build a small solor engine to power a small high efficentcy motor. I'll hook it up with a small arm with something that can soak up some water. When it spins it flings water. It is small, can hang on the top of the cage, gets power from the UV. The short time I was gone not to long ago I was working on it. It might just work.

Thanks and sorry to ChameleonsTree for being contradicting.
Waterfalls are just generally not recommended. Chameleons often poop into both moving water and standing water. If later, the chameleon was to drink from that water, who knows what unseen damage could be done.

I wouldn't even put it outside the cage. The only practical waterfalls I can see people using in ANY reptile enclosure, are larger home maid waterfalls with strong filters, treated and tested with chemicals, as if it were a fish tank or pool. Just as if the cage was a backyard pond.

Seems excessive, but chameleons in particular have a very low tolerance to bacteria, mold and fungi.
I will empty the water out of the water fall but I would like to keep the actual thing in there. It adds a nice touch to the cage. I moved the light to the out side and add more vine it looks really nice. Thanks for the help.
Here is what it looks like now. I have a vine hanging from the corner where the light used to be. I also add some other vines here and there.


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