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  1. Sarahcwilson

    Nemo ate!!!

    Awesome! :)
  2. Sarahcwilson

    In Labor!!!

    So cute!!!
  3. Sarahcwilson

    Bacchus, changing colors again!!

    Wow! He's awesome! :D
  4. Sarahcwilson

    Likoli has laid her clutch

    Good luck!
  5. Sarahcwilson

    One Of ReptoMan's Boys

    He's gorgeous! When do you get to get him?
  6. Sarahcwilson

    Video - Fresh Hatched BB Flies

    OMG!!!!!! He's sooo cute!!!:D
  7. Sarahcwilson

    Overhead, Behind The Back Eating

    Nice! I love it when they go into "hunter" mode! They look so awesome and stealthy. :)
  8. Sarahcwilson

    I got the BLUUUUES!!

    He's so good-lookin'! :)
  9. Sarahcwilson

    Azazel is confused

    He is absolutely GORGEOUS! :D
  10. Sarahcwilson

    New Remy Pics! :)

    He's got some awesome colors; how old is he?
  11. Sarahcwilson

    Purpose of the casque.

    Lol, interesting post! :)
  12. Sarahcwilson

    "orvokki" and the cricket

    She's really cute. :)
  13. Sarahcwilson

    Am I Crazy?

    When I first got Steve, my chameleon, I couldn't believe how fast an hour could go by!!! :) Not crazy! :)
  14. Sarahcwilson


    He is absolutely stunning!!!!!
  15. Sarahcwilson

    Zeke strutting his stuff.

    So cool! I love his white stripe. Looks like he had fun! :)
  16. Sarahcwilson

    Photos of just the panther ladies

    They're all precious! I love the red for February! :)
  17. Sarahcwilson

    RIP Waladii xx

    Oh man, that is sad!!!:( Poor little guy! :(
  18. Sarahcwilson

    My little dude with "tude"!!!

    So cute! It's amazing how they can really look so much bigger when they "puff" up like that! When I first got Steve and he'd do that, go from cute little guy to big stripy throaty guy, I actually got taken back a bit! :eek: But I know it's all talk now, :D Haha they're so cute. :)
  19. Sarahcwilson

    2 crickets one shot

    He's pretty cute! Do you think he was surprised to get such a mouthful with one shot? :eek:;):)
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