Sorry no documentaries on Chamaeleo Calyptratus. For such a common chameleon, theres really not much info on them. Check out the book "The Yemen Chameleon" by Wolfgang Schmidt. Great Book! Its has the most info on them. Its printed in english and german.
I worked with Werners for a while. There are a handful of locales but the reds you have are the most common. There pretty none the less. Very cool species but there very sensitive. Consistency is key with them.
Trioceros Werneri. Not Chamaeleo. There not a beginners cham. Daytime high should be in the mid 80's on hottest days. Average daytime high should be in the 70's. Low should be in the 50's really, but low 60's will do. You might not need a basking light. If you want to try one, use low wattage...
Wow you have a friend who breeds them and lets them go, AWESOME!!!
I love green anoles but there are getting very hard to find in S.FL. If your friend needs a new place to free them, you can let them go in my yard. Ive only seen a few around my house the past 2-3 years.
People in FL are a little wacky. Everyone owns guns. Everyones two seconds away from rioting. Oh wait im from FL....
Does anybody know if any critters got caught in the cross fire??
Ive used them for small chams before. They use to pop up it my bougainvillea. I would just follow the chew marks on the leaves to find them. There safe.Just make sure to take them from a pesticide free area.
Whos buying dime bags. That comment was hella square. Oh ya and the future is looking mighty green these days.... As long as your not blowing clouds in your lizards cage and theres some air flow, you should be fine.