I've had some free time today so I thought I can post some pics of some of Br.transvaalense juveniles. They are growing and growing and the males develop the beautiful typical coloration
To be honest, transvaalense are together with setaroi the easiest Bradypodions. Damaranum are for example way more problematic. I keep my Bradypodions in special chameleon glass terrariums with big screen parts. If possible I keep all my adult animals seperated but it's in general no problem if you keep them together.
Transvaalense are very good eaters, they eat everything (just dubias are not liked). I spray the cages between 2-4 times per day, depends on how long I'm at home. For the light I use fluroescent tubes in combination with 25 watt spots.
If the animals can warm up in the early morning hours they can be housed outside even here in Germany for 5-6 months, they are very tolerant regarding night temps (wheather they are very low or very high)
Hi Benny,
Your chams are spectacular! I just picked up a pair from Jared & I am impressed. Their colors change so fast & so many variations. Can you say how old are the ones in the pics are & if you know their life expectancy ?