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  1. T

    New owner in a few days! plz help :)

    temperatures and humidity i should aim for ? and in what distance from the base or the top of the cage i should have my censors? guys you are more than Great!
  2. T

    New owner in a few days! plz help :)

    atm i am not writin from home so i cant upload a photo of it . but tomorrow i ll get 1-2 photos up. i live in North Greece, Thessaloniki. what should be my 2nd plant inside the cage? as i said i have 1 pothos
  3. T

    New owner in a few days! plz help :)

    then ill have to remove the top of the cage and put there some more metal grid and over it the bulbs. thnx alot for the info!! any more tips you use or know would be really helpful!!
  4. T

    New owner in a few days! plz help :)

    a 40/60 normal one ? what i use for my room ? cause atm this one is a red big one. normaly temperature doesnt drop lower than 22 degrees inside house and now at summer it will be alot more without anything on! i live in Greece :D
  5. T

    New owner in a few days! plz help :)

    Yeah read that and for sure i am gonna mist him but what about humidity, atm i have the censor in the middle of the cage and its around 50%, it is really low ? sometimes it goes lower with the heat lamp on! also should i have the lamps outside the cage?
  6. T

    New owner in a few days! plz help :)

    Waitin for my new chameleon in a few days as title says and would like to know the best tips from all of you! i made a wooden cage with a metal grid. bought a 5. uv bulb and a 100w for heat. my cage is like h= 90,l= 65, w= 50 Have put a small pothos inside which is growin fast as i can see and...
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