Waitin for my new chameleon in a few days as title says and would like to know the best tips from all of you! i made a wooden cage with a metal grid. bought a 5. uv bulb and a 100w for heat. my cage is like h= 90,l= 65, w= 50
Have put a small pothos inside which is growin fast as i can see and searchin for some more wood to add. do i really need to buy a mist/fog thing ? cause they are pretty expensive :/ what teperatures and humidity should i have for a veiled cham? iwant everythin to be perfect for my new friend
Thanks in advice!
Have put a small pothos inside which is growin fast as i can see and searchin for some more wood to add. do i really need to buy a mist/fog thing ? cause they are pretty expensive :/ what teperatures and humidity should i have for a veiled cham? iwant everythin to be perfect for my new friend
Thanks in advice!