In Chameleons, especially your specific type, you should never have the opportunity to find out if they are an "exception" to the rule to keep them separate. It is widely know that this shortens the lifespan of your chameleon, makes their lives less enjoyable, and will end in a bad way. In all...
What is the length of time I can keep the horn/butterworms for before they will outgrow my cham? What about silkworms? I have read up on them but I figure I'd ask people with experience and not just fish through websites. The supplement schedule I was reccomended is :
Herptivite- mon, thurs...
I will soon be recieving a Red bar ambilobe born Dec 09. At this age, I was thinking 4 crickets, 2 silkworms, and 1 butter or hornworm a day (butter and horn alternating daily). They will be gutloaded and crickets will be between 1/4 - 1/2in. Is this an appropriate diet, or should I use more of...
I am trying to decide between these two misters. I will only have one Cham setup so the mister will only be misting one Cham environment. So anyone have a reccomendation on which to choose? Thanks!
If I were you, I would wait a day or two to get to know him before you name him. :) Like anything else, their personalities are very unique. Where is your new baby coming from?
I will soon be recieving a 4-5 month (Born Dec 09) old ambilobe panther chameleon. The only feeder I can find locally are crickets, so I am looking to purchase silkworms, hornworms, and butterworms over the internet. I would like to be able to order them so they will be here when he arrives...
I know I couldn't do this, just because I have known MANY pet geckos. But if you would like to continue to do this, I would reccomend trying smaller geckos, that have been bred/raised in a clean environment.
Oh yes, if you were able to see them in person, I deffinitly see why you would make that choice! Both, in my opinion, are great breeders! Good luck with your new Cham!! :)
I hope you will post some pictures in the future! Also, just to put it out there, Screameleons is GREAT, but personally I have experienced FANTASTIC support and amazing colors from KammerFlage Kreations (
I am soon to recieve a 4 month old Ambilobe. So far the only thing I'm sure of to feed him is crickets. I've also heard, domestic house flies, flightless fruit flies, mealworms, silkworms, phoenix worms, and butterworms. For a male of this age, any recomendations on which feeders will be the...
I was wondering what anyone thought about Fluker's cricket feed? I see it everywhere andI was wondering if this was a decent thing to gutload with. Thankyou!