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  1. Raymond1412

    New Photos of Daffie! Also please vote for my new pfp!!

    Thank you everyone for all of your votes and kind comments!! It was a tie between 3rd and 1st, so I chose 3rd! It is finally time to change my pfp from Yoshi to Daffodil <3
  2. Raymond1412

    Couldn’t resist a new Carpet!

    I totally agree!!
  3. Raymond1412

    Chameleon has bent casque at to, what is the problem?

    I think it affects them more as they're younger because I have a 2-year-old Veiled who basks on the same side and never gets a bent casque 🤷‍♀️
  4. Raymond1412

    Chameleon has bent casque at to, what is the problem?

    I agree!! This also happened with my past baby chameleon!
  5. Raymond1412

    New Photos of Daffie! Also please vote for my new pfp!!

    Daffie and I say thank you!! <3
  6. Raymond1412

    I need help

    Oh no!! Poor guy :( Did he maybe poke himself on something, or get a bite from a bug? Where was he bleeding? It's hard to determine the cost of a vet visit, especially with exotics. It can also vary from vet to vet. @kinyonga can you maybe help with this? Sending warm hugs and best wishes to you...
  7. Raymond1412

    New Photos of Daffie! Also please vote for my new pfp!!

    Hello all! I just wanted to share some pictures of Daffodil that I took yesterday. If you have time, please tell me your favorite picture! The picture that gets the most votes will be my new pfp!! All votes are very much appreciated! Daffie says hello! 🦎 💕🌺🌼
  8. Raymond1412

    Eating poop, and going a lot?

    That's good news!! Hopefully, she'll stop eating her feces soon! 🦎 💕
  9. Raymond1412

    Are my enclosures overplanted?

    You can never have too many plants, especially for your chameleons!!! I would consider adding one or two plants to go on the bottom, like a Monstera or Money Tree. Beautiful enclosure!! 💕 🦎 🤩
  10. Raymond1412

    Couldn’t resist a new Carpet!

    Congratulations!! She looks stunning in her new home!! Can't wait to see what name you come up with!! 🦎 🥳 💕
  11. Raymond1412

    !!getting a chameleon tomorrow, advice please!!

    If you feed your chameleon daily, I wouldn't be worried if he is only eating a few crickets. Maybe consider trying soldier fly larvae because they squirm around a lot, are easy to feed off, and are pretty small. What are you currently feeding off your bugs in? It might help to have a clear...
  12. Raymond1412

    !!getting a chameleon tomorrow, advice please!!

    It's normal for a baby to only eat a few bugs. As for the silkworms, I would maybe wait until he is a bit bigger. For the dubias, I recommend feeding more than one at a time so they move around a bit more.
  13. Raymond1412

    Branch placement and Qty

    Thank you! Great job adding the vines!! I love the idea of waiting until the next reptile show, that's where I got my Ghostwood branch!!
  14. Raymond1412

    !!getting a chameleon tomorrow, advice please!!

    Getting a new chameleon is always super exciting! I am so happy for you! It does look like you need a few more branches and real plants in the enclosure for more coverage. Since you have a 3-month-old, make sure you have the right-sized bugs. Also, keep in mind that younger chameleons are very...
  15. Raymond1412

    Can you help me improve this cage set up?

    I would cover as much of the soil as possible because you can never be too safe. Dubias are a great staple bug, as well as crickets! Are you feeding your chameleon superworms? If so, read my post here on why you shouldn't feed them: Superworm Awareness I would feed your chameleon silkworms...
  16. Raymond1412

    Can you help me improve this cage set up?

    You are off to a great start with your enclosure and chameleon care!! I am not a panther owner, but I will try my best to help out. What do you have in the bottom substrate? I would remove it and just keep the substrate pan bare, especially since you have a misting system and too much water can...
  17. Raymond1412

    Happy hatch month Beman, 6 years old

    Happy Hatch Month Beman!! You have grown so much in the past 6 years!! Can't wait to see you in future posts!!! 🦎 💕 🥳
  18. Raymond1412

    Black scales?

    Oh no!! Poor guy. He could've been too close to his heat lamp and maybe he got burned? I hope this issue gets resolved soon! Sending warm hugs and best wishes!! 🦎 💕
  19. Raymond1412

    Black soldier flys!

    I love it when that happens! It's always lots of fun to watch your chameleon hunt them down!! 🤩🦎
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