My girlfriend fed off 10 or 15 adult males to her beardie without me knowing until I asked her today. So that's the source of the problem, in case anyone was wondering.....
Hey guys, I've been working with my dubia colony for a while now and I may have run into a problem. I went through them today to clean and I found 2 males...
Is that enough to keep the colony going? There's probably 800 roaches in there, babies, adults, etc. all added up. Probably more...
I think with a Panther chameleon you should be on a different supplement schedule. I'd double check that though. Someone who keeps them will post about that I'm sure.
But the poop looks okay haha
Looks pretty good! You'll definitely want a larger enclosure when he gets bigger, which you may or may not already know. And also check into supplement schedules to make sure you've got that down right :)
I would suggest removing the night light unless it gets anywhere below 55 at night...
What are you using to measure temp? Some gauges by Exo Terra and other brands are bad and tend to stick around 80 even on 100 degree days.
Jannb is right about the window if the sun is coming in too direct.
AWW, MAN!!!! Haha I was there yesterday, too and I REALLY wanted one of those!!! I wish I had that money right then... check hadn't cleared from Saturday :(
I hope to see lots of pics when he's bigger! Interested to see how big they get when they're older
He's being very well taken care of now and is slowly but surely being tamed! He eats dubias, hornworms, silkworms, mantids, crickets and snails readily and sometimes right out of my hand!
Willing to consider any reasonable offers!
Not sure what you mean by repairs. Could you post pics?
The best way to attach vines, I've found, is to use zip ties. Small ones can fit through the screen with very minimal damage, if any.
He looks like he's got MBD. Bad.
Please post more pics and fill out a form ASAP.
He needs to see a vet as well.