I agree with camimom, use locusts. I remove their back legs so they can't jump out. They are Sebastian's favorite, I just hold the tub with about 4-5 large locusts and gone in no time LOL
Guess what?
Sebastian ate his first dubia today! YAY! Can't believe it, after all this time he's refused everything but locusts he snatched a large dubia from his tub today and gobbled it down, so looks like I'll be purchasing more of these :D
So happy :D
I wanna ask, you guys don't shoot animals just for "fun" I really hope not :( breaks my heart to see hunters kill a deer or other animals for fun and not to feed themselves or a family :(
I love dubias, my cham doesn't which made me feel dissapointed LMAO was really looking forward to ditching crickets and their smell >.< but didn't work out so back to crickets and locusts :(
Not really sure, hopefully a more advanced keeper may chime in, but my guess would be caused by the supplimenting scheduel but that's just my opinion :)
Alot of members including me use the Repashy All In One, also called Calcium plus, it has everything a chameleon needs without guessing games with dusting and won't have inbalances with suppliments :)
I use water crystals, can purchase it already done, I use bug gel by ProRep or bye it in crystal form and make it up on your own. Are as some have said use oranges. I have seen youtube videos of using wet sponges, personally I wouldn't advise that, I just think the crickets will nibble the...
Does the swollen area feel hardish? I know my Chameleon that passed had an aggressive eye abcess that wouldn't go away with loads of treatment. Not saying your cham will have the same experience mine did, but abcesses seem common.
Snake bags are not terrible or harmful if packed right. I got my panther in a snake bag and he was fine. If I was a cham, I'd rather be in a bag than a hard plastic deli container.
I changed over to the Repashy all in one about 2 weeks back as their was a slight imbalance with my panther and I wouldn't use anything else :D
I use it lightly daily and smells wonderful, my panther since using this seems to have a faster food response, so dunno if its the taste of it that he...