Alright as some of you know I work at PetSmart and we recently got a Jacksons Chameleon. He was pretty good the first week we had him and then steadily decreased and has become dehydrated I am assuming by his eyes and fatigue. I was the only one besides one co-worker that spritz his cage at...
LOL I come back on the forum after a break and this is the first thread I read :p :D lol scary! Don't think I will be taste testing my dubia anytime soon :p
I would make sure you wash it out about once a week, it may develop mould on the inside from being saturated so often. Just my guess. But a great idea! I am going to have to try it soon.
Congratz Carol, I have not been on lately due to personal reasons but it is nice to see someone like yourself that isn't stuck up and loaded up on their ego like many other forums. Posts does not equal power and you obviously understand that very well. You are a fantastic member and you have...