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  1. Kodos2150

    Challenge for you guys!

    Take a picture of your chameleon and then draw it and put other designs with it? :)
  2. Kodos2150

    Challenge for you guys!

    what about search for chameleon art work there?
  3. Kodos2150

    Challenge for you guys!

    do a google image search for chameleon art. there are some decent designs that come up
  4. Kodos2150

    my chameleon is sick

    can your two chameleons see each other through their cages? if they can, you should put some cardboard or something in between the cages so they can not see each other. If they can see each other they will be stressing out because they are territorial, especially the veileds
  5. Kodos2150

    safe to eat?

    i've been searching for what species it is and im fairly sure i found a match.....Melanoplus differentialis, the differential grasshopper. is that a safe species to feed off?
  6. Kodos2150

    safe to eat?

    the link doesn't work for me either :(
  7. Kodos2150

    safe to eat?

    thats why i posted here before i feed it lol, its sitting in a container until i determine his fate :)
  8. Kodos2150

    safe to eat?

    i searched the forums but i couldn't find if this grasshopper is safe to feed my chameleon. Im in ohio and i got him from my yard and there are no pesticides sprayed around here. Im fairly sure he's safe to feed off but i am no bug identification guy, just want to make sure he isn't toxic naturally.
  9. Kodos2150

    too much UVB?

    if I get the DIY flourscent 24 inch hood and put two reptisun 5.0 bulbs and have them both on at the same time, would that be too much? I'm thinking that it wouldn't but I'm still not sure.....
  10. Kodos2150

    Is Mardi Ok?

    number of poops depends on how often he is eating when my veiled ate everyday he would poop about every day. as for the amount of crickets he should be eating, i think its around 15-24 appropriately sized crickets a day (i may be wrong, its been a while for babies with me, my previous veiled i...
  11. Kodos2150

    Is Mardi Ok?

    i have a ball python named Mardi :) how big are the crickets you feeding him? he maybe too stressed to eat because of the force feeding, my veiled got a RI and during treatment we had to feed him because he was too stressed from the handling everyday. maybe give him a day or two by himself and...
  12. Kodos2150

    Paludarium Suggestions

    with the open water in the enclosure i'd say its not a good idea..... my last chameleon drowned in his fountain i had in there. I'd just play it safe and go with no open water source and just have an auto mister and dripper. If you really want to have a small school of fish near your chameleon...
  13. Kodos2150

    Ideas and critique please on new cage

    i edited my earlier post, you may of replied to me as i was doing that lol
  14. Kodos2150

    Ideas and critique please on new cage

    the last info i have seen about the CFL is that they are not as good as the tube lights, if i am behind on the times i will go back and do more research on the subject and i do hope that i find that you are right. But both of my reptile vets despise the CFL UVB lights and favor the MVB or the...
  15. Kodos2150

    Ideas and critique please on new cage

    get rid of the CFL uv light and go with the tried and true linear tube florecent UVB lights as for drainage, you might be able to get some plastic bathroom paneling and line it with that and just have the bottom sloped to a tray in the back like a gutter that will drain into a bucket?
  16. Kodos2150

    Cham suddenly mean?? Help

    has he had a fecal done recently? it sounds kinda like something is bothering him and maybe he has, for a lack of a better term, a tummy ache?
  17. Kodos2150

    Eye Infections

    take them to the vet for medications. Its better to spend the money at the vet getting it treated properly than have home remedies not work and destroy the eye. Chameleons are sight predators and without two working eyes for binocular vision they wont use their tongue at all
  18. Kodos2150

    Veiled Eyes

    phew! glad its normal! i was afraid he was developing a problem, im just an overly concerned father i guess :) lol
  19. Kodos2150

    Veiled Eyes

    Is it normal to have some extra skin around the eyes? My velied can see and eat just fine and his urates are pure white. Is my guy just goofy?
  20. Kodos2150

    Need advice on new enclosure

    I would look at or, both are site sponsers. I bought a 24x24x48 screen cage from lllreptile and i love it! and i think its a lil cheaper there than the penn plax you are looking at. as for humidity you can put plastic wrap on 3 sides to help keep it up along with a...
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