Eye Infections


Established Member
Anyone have a good way to treat? None of my chams currently have one but I have had a cham in the past develop an eye infection and I was told to treat with warm water and a Qtip. This seemed to work but took a lot of time. Anyone have any better solutions for future reference?
take them to the vet for medications. Its better to spend the money at the vet getting it treated properly than have home remedies not work and destroy the eye. Chameleons are sight predators and without two working eyes for binocular vision they wont use their tongue at all
terramycin is available over the counter. this is all the vet will give. I've checked. I was just seeing if anyone had success with anything else or that may work better.
It depends on what kind if infection. Terramycin works great. Regular saline solution for flushing if it is debris stuck in there. A small drop (one) of vitamin A from capsule every 2 weeks or 3 weeks can help with eye issues. It really depends on the problem at hand
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