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  1. T

    {Semi write-up} Basic setup w/ pics

    Thanks for the write-up w/ pics. I like the simple setup. How long do the dowels normally last before needed to be replaced.
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    veiled cham enclosure

    I will look for one and give it a try. Thanks.
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    veiled cham enclosure

    thanks for the advice everyone. I will remove the substrate and bamboo and add some more branches and another small ficus. I would like to keep a pair, so I will have to start looking for another cage before getting a pair.
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    veiled cham enclosure

    thanks for the advice. Any reasons to remove the substrate? I was thinking it would help with humidiy. I have no problem with larger enclosures for adults. I see alot of 2'x2'x4' ones. Is something like that ok, 2' long seems small to me for some reason.
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    veiled cham enclosure

    What does everyone think? Is there anything I'm missing? I don't like the lucky bamoo, so I will replace it with a smaller ficus or a larger pothos and will add a vine or two across the cage. I'm running a 24" 5.0 t8 and a 60w heat bulb. Enclosure is 30"x18"x30". I have a digital temp/humidity...
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    herpology enclosure

    There is one sponsor that will be getting some more pygmys in stock in the next week for a good price, but they are not CB. Is this something with this species I need to worry about? I normally like to get everything CB, but I'm not haveing the best luck finding some. Any advice on...
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    dripper valve

    I have used these for dripping additives in my aquariums. They seem to be a good design. They make single to 4 valve setups.
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    PLexi Glass for Cage Size?

    acrylic costs alittle more, but it is a much better material. You can scuff the outsides up if wanted to add a smoked look to prevent reflections. In the salt water world we do this to make shadow boxes behing the aquariums.
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    herpology enclosure

    Bulb exchanged for the zoo med linear 5.0 Thanks for the info
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    herpology enclosure

    san antonio Texas US
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    herpology enclosure

    My local pet shop can order me some...but they are proud of them, so I will probably try to find a good online vender to order my group. I'm still unsure of how many would be ok for my tank. I'm looking at 1 male and 2-4 females. Still need to learn a bit more and let the tank run to check...
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    herpology enclosure

    yes :( i got the coil one. Good thing I'm not getting the chams soon. Looks like another trip to the local pet shop for a zoo med linear bulb and thanks.
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    herpology enclosure

    Ok I started my setup, Any advice on something I may have done wrong would be great. I added 1.5" of hydroballs with nylon screen over it and 3" of a mix of forest mix and coco fiber. I plan to add another vine for more climbing room. Live plants are ficus retusa, ivy "mini adam", dracaena...
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    herpology enclosure

    Ok, I have started the build. I found a exo terra 18x18x18 from a local that was never used for cheap so I picked it up. I will add 1.5" of hydroballs with a layer of nylon screen over it and a thick layer of zilla jungle mix and zilla coco fiber mixed together. Thanks for all the info everyone.
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    herpology enclosure

    Thanks for the info, that is what I was worried about. I will take your advice and skip the charcoal layer and just relay on spot cleaning and a good clean up crew. Thanks.
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    herpology enclosure

    Ok, I have decided I want to add a small layer of charcoal to my substrate for better long term success of the tank. I need alittle help determining the difference between the different available stuff. All natural wood charcoal...
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    herpology enclosure

    Thanks for the info, and yes I have been able to read several good threads in the pygmy enclosure section. That is why I posted my thread here, and is where I have found some good info on lighting/substrate. But as everyone knows everyone has a opinion and in one thread 5.0uvb is good, in other...
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    herpology enclosure

    Just curious, why would they not need uvb. In the wild they hide under leafs too much for much light to get to them or what?
  19. T

    herpology enclosure

    Any reason you used organic soil over say coco fiber? Looks, cost, etc. This is going to be a bad hobby, I thought my SW reef tank was bad. I haven't even strarted putting anything together yet and I'm trying to find ways to use my 75g.
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    herpology enclosure

    What kind of substrate would be best? Is going with hydro balls, charcoil, coco fiber best or alittle overkill? How about lighting, zoomed reptisun 5.0 long tube CF or zilla tropical uvb t5 good? Like most stuff everyone has a opinion, and the more I read through the site the more good/bad info...
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