for a 3month old panther 80-82 is right where you ant it than increase a degree each month. i dont understand how living in florida though a 100w is only getting you to 80. the cold started to come where i am so i upped mine to a 75w and been getting low 90s which cause me to lower the branch a...
gut loading just use any safe fruits and veggies, any scraps cores and stuff you have can give them to the bugs. i go shopping deliberately for my bugs though. check out sandra chameleon's blogs on the forums for gutloading shes a guru
plastic bins and tupeprware become your best friends. the stores sell them buy dozens or milestone amounts 50, 250, 500, 100 etc. with crickets keep them in a taller tote they wont get out shake the pieces of egg carton i use a cup crickets fall in i swirl them around with my calcium and dump in...
your better off with supers over meal worms. Needless to say your going to need to keep bugs at home unfprtunately if you are going to want to have a chameleon even if your not breeding them. as a younger cham was buying 500 crickets at a time lasting me up to 6 weeks. didnt mind the die off...
yeah I am sure most people will suggest the t5 arcadia's for uv. i wouldnt go less than a dual especially if keeping live plants. Basking your safe using house hold incandescents
proper and good uvb lighting is the answer for natural sun light, wont be an issue. just in the warmer months try to get the cham out if possible will be really beneficial. however if it will be dark id maybe even suggest a quad light system. but def get a dual t5 + basking
sticky on mbd
in the mean time while you can get some pictures please fill out this: to provide more info. btw orange cubes are not the...
mbd doesn't really have much to do about the colours rather deformations in the bones and weakened bones. id read the thread about mbd and learn what it is before you are worried about it and your title may need to be changed because its misleading. to really tell if mbd is present only way to...
panthers at a young age have a tendency to bite things no body knows why, you will see things from vines, to rocks, branch stubs you name it. my guy was biting aggressively the rock platform of one of the perches i have for him that was his thing. people associate this as like child phases...
haha by me they always have them like 3 feet or so than the smaller bushier ones. on the odd ocassions they even have ones that are like trees already nice think brown branches and they can reach like 5/6 feet
repashy came out with the calcium plus which is their standard than came out with high d, low d, and no d forumals. which just changes the amount of d3 in their supplements
you can let the worms turn to moths but can have the moths mate and lay eggs hmm okay... the cocoons can be stored over winter lol. doesnt seem like theres many other options, but now you have learned your lesson buy small horns they grow stupid fast lol
well those goliath worms turn into goliath moths so moths are no good but you can attempt breeding them. they are messy though. im actually in my first attempt and have had 3 moths emerge within past 2 days but im feeling they're wings havent developed properly have only seen one actually fly...
so hopefully it was nothing for concern. my other concern is location of the cage, looks like a play area, are kids constantly ging to be around in that area? could potentially cause great amount of stress
dont think theres harm in what colour the bulb is. i do believe however that closest to daylight is prob best so around the 6500. having a lower one might will prob make it a bit darker or dull.wash out colours of your plants.
just branches from outside because they are free. dont use any that are rotting. most people go about baking or bleaching them to sterilize them. and than use thumbtack through the screen andinto th branches to suspend them
true forgot about nurseries was thinking hardware stores. but thats if they even work. hibiscus is an expensive plant to buy just so hornworm moths can breed and lay their eggs on, plus enclosure im using for them isnt really big enough for hibiscus either