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  1. Goggles

    Chameleon did not recognize me?

    I have a male veiled that HATES red!! I have had him over 3 years and you can go into his cage with any color except red. Actually he isn't crazy about orange either but not to the same extent as red.
  2. Goggles

    VERSUS my dog

    I'm not sure about the big dogs, but this guy kills 40 pounders!! ;)
  3. Goggles

    VERSUS my dog

    I know he doesn't look like much but this was after a hard day of chasing squirrels and he was trying to wind down!! ;)
  4. Goggles

    went fishin today :3

    Here is a link Amanda. Mostly pics for identification.
  5. Goggles

    went fishin today :3

    I was thinking the same but because of the head shape and scales. I would say a chub. Good fun no matter what it is!!
  6. Goggles

    Mr. Frog

    By picture comparison I would GUESS Green Tree Frog.
  7. Goggles


    I would hate to see your windshield!! I have one in my yard and after the birds eat the purple berries you sure can tell!!;)
  8. Goggles

    climbing bugs

    This one?:
  9. Goggles

    climbing bugs

    Some really small holes in the bottom of your cup could help this...or make a screen bottom and glue it more water.
  10. Goggles

    My Oustalet

    Welcome to the forum!! Do you know what the temperature is at his basking spot? The reason I ask is it looks like a "red" heat bulb. These really throw off the heat and could burn your chameleon if it gets too close. Most on here just use a regular incandescent light bulb for basking. He looks...
  11. Goggles

    Jackson's at petsmart.

    It's been said on here a hundred times before and I'm sure I'm going to sound like "the bad guy" but here it goes... When you buy a cham from these stores it just shows "head office" that they can make money on these. Next month there will be more. Until they realise they are more trouble then...
  12. Goggles

    Can you I.D. this panther?

    I hope you don't mind me posting some pics in your thread for comparison? This was my guy at 4-6 months And him now Is it just me or did the red seem to come in?:rolleyes: He developed a little later than some of his clutch mates that I have seen but still ended up at the same place...
  13. Goggles

    Found this in my roach bin!!

    I use a clamp light which is the same as a desk light, with a red heat bulb(75 watt) and mine breed like CRAZY!!
  14. Goggles

    i want to see ur set up!

    The two in my livingroom
  15. Goggles

    Other Hobbies??

    I bet they do. I had two brugmansia that would fill the whole yard with scent. If you brought them inside while in bloom it would almost be intoxicating!! I was familiar with the datura and brugmansia but hadn't seen the double flowers. They look GREAT!! Not too often you see foot long flowers.
  16. Goggles

    Other Hobbies??

    Is that a brugmansia?
  17. Goggles

    how to zip tie in a reptibreeze?

    Some people use a thumb tack through the screen and into a wooden branch. I do this but use small stainless screws instead of tacks. I also pre drill small holes in the branch so it doesn't split.
  18. Goggles

    How many roaches?

    It's been more than 20 years since I've been to Holland but it is a beautiful country!!! I guess I'm overdue for another visit;)
  19. Goggles

    How many roaches?

    I am aware of this. I don't think anything(human, cham, dog...) on a healthy diet needs to eat until they can't anymore. I find that when the diet is reduced I have no hunger strikes as well. I'm not saying starve them but just cut back. I know alot of the European keepers feed ALOT less...
  20. Goggles

    How many roaches?

    When you are talking dubias it depends on the size. I have never let my chams eat till they stop. Do you think they get 14 locust a day in the wild? My two year old Panther eats about 4-5(almost full grown,about 1" long) dubia every other day and has been on this for over a year.
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