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  1. mvad

    Monsoon rs 400 without cutting screen

    Don't buy a monsoon. They are junk. Get a mistking and be done with it
  2. mvad

    What to do about food?

    Can't get much easier than dubias.
  3. mvad

    how to keep roaches

    This has been a great guide: *Dog food is not a recommended source of food for roaches. I don't use any heat source and my colony is continuing to grow.
  4. mvad

    Tree branches?

    There is no benefit to removing the bark. Also don't use dead branches. Use fresh live cut branches. The bleach/water solution is plenty to clean the branches.
  5. mvad

    Dubias are not dubia'ing

    I add no heat and my colony is growing pretty fast. I only have one adult chameleon so I feed dubias once or twice a week. Heat and food make a colony grow rapidly.
  6. mvad

    Misting setup question

    A pencil works very well to make the hole
  7. mvad

    Dubia Colony

    Check craiglist in your area. I got a starter colony and many feeders for very cheap. I have one Cham. I apply no extra heat to my colony and it gives me more than I'll even need
  8. mvad

    Veiled Chameleon cage size/ Reptibreeze deluxe

    If she can find her food, I'd say upgrade
  9. mvad

    Hornworms at PETSM**T?!

    Look at all the wasted materials needed to house 1 freaken worm!
  10. mvad

    Grow tent for cham :O

    Reptiles4ever, I know Carlton did not intend to be judgemental at all. She is a very knowledgeable chameleon keeper. I've never seen a post where she has insulted or judged someone. Please don't feel offended. It's often hard to read a person based on text. Keep with it and enjoy the hobby
  11. mvad

    He's HERE!!!

    Awesome looking chameleon, how old is he at this point?
  12. mvad

    How to get my picky eater back onto roaches

    Nick Barta might chime in with advise. Ever look into banana roaches?
  13. mvad

    Grow tent for cham :O

    If that were mostly screen it would be a great size to house a Cham. Unfortunately it is much better to grow "plants" in. So, no, it's not a good enclosure for a chameleon.
  14. mvad

    Live plants

    I wouldn't use anything in the enclosure that if ingested or drank would cause harm. There are plenty of organic fertilizers that can be used. Just because you chameleon is not eating the soil doesn't mean the fertilizer isn't dripping out the bottom when watering the plants. I have hanging...
  15. mvad


    I find this disturbing. Just common sense would have you to believe a chameleon lives on our earth, with a day and night ligtht cycle. If someone told you to keep constant light on you chameleon they were dead wrong. Please, please read proper care of chameleons offered on this very helpful...
  16. mvad

    Best Fake Vines

    Many to chose from.
  17. mvad

    Eating to?

    The chameleon should be fed during the first half of the day. This will give ample time to bask and digest.
  18. mvad

    New Veiled Chameleon

    Chameleons in general require specific care. Most would say the "easier" type to start with would be a Veiled or Panther. I think many start with veiled because they are lower in price than panthers. Jacksons require cooler temps and that can be a challenge during summer months where it gets...
  19. mvad

    Critique my enclosure

    Agreed, way too slippery. Live cut branches of varying diameter will best suit you chameleon. Leave the bark on. Don't worry about baking them. Simple water to bleach with a 10:1 ratio will be more than enough to treat the branches.
  20. mvad

    UVB Lighting

    I think 1 12% arcadia would be enough . Im sure Todd from would have a definitive answer for you. I assume he will be chiming in sometime soon
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