Search results

  1. mvad

    Superworms vs crickets

    Check craiglist local ads for dubias. People who start colonies often times are happy to sell off some bulk as they are extremely easy to raise. I found someone in RI who was willing to sell me (for very cheap) a starter colony and some medium feeders as my cham was around 8 months old. A year...
  2. mvad

    Sterilizing tree branches

    Almost as absurd as bleaching wood to make it "safer" for a chameleon enclosure?
  3. mvad

    Sterilizing tree branches

    Don't remove the bark. That will make the branches unnecessarily slippery when wet. Use live cut branches. hot soap and water is fine.
  4. mvad


    Mistking is an excellent product. well worth the $$. Virtually silent while running. Very easy to set up.
  5. mvad

    Superworms vs crickets

    Superworms shouldn't be the staple feeder. Verirty makes for a healthy cham. Crickets or dubias are good examples of staple feeders. Superworms are a good inbetween feeder. 30 superworms in 4 days in my opinion is too many. My adult veiled gets dubias or crickets every other day. I give 2-3...
  6. mvad

    When can veiled chameleons eat pinky mice ?

    Taken from the Food and Nutrition section of the Resource tab at top of page: "Vertebrates (pinkies, lizards, etc.) are not a notable part of a chameleon's normal diet in the wild. Too many animal proteins in the diet of an animal that's not a carnivore can wreak havoc on their kidneys leading...
  7. mvad

    Food and Treats?

    Variety will help keep your chameleon healthy and happy. Good info here:
  8. mvad

    When can veiled chameleons eat pinky mice ?

    Where have you gathered that pinky mice, baby food, and pedisure is a good idea to feed any chameleon? Properly gutloaded and verity of insects along with proper dusting will provide everything needed health wise and more than what your doing.
  9. mvad

    Mounting pots

    Fishing line at the appropriate test is more than adequate. 50lb test is what I used and it's virtually invisible. I attached my big pothos to a dowel run across the top of the cage. No issues after 15 months. As long as you are good with knots you should have any problems.
  10. mvad

    New Cage!!!

    Excellent enclosure indeed!!! May I suggest some horizontal branches or/and more vines. Good will is a great resource when finding things for chameleons. Well done. Do you have a misting system or are you hand spraying?
  11. mvad

    First time Chameleon owner need some advise!

    This forum is a wealth of knowledge. Not everyone on here gives the correct advise but most do. My advise is not to buy chameleons at petsmart or petco. The sad fact is they are a business more interested in making profit than providing healthy animals. Most info they give on chameleon husbandry...
  12. mvad

    Need some ideas

    Horizontal branches?
  13. mvad

    Few questions about set up

    I modeled my cage after that one. i used 50lb fishing line to suspend the pothos by using a wooden dowel stretched alonge the top of the enclosure
  14. mvad

    Few questions about set up

    I like real branches as vertical climbing structure. I have maple trees in my yard and have harvested a good a dozen or so. Washed with hot water and soap and let dry. I cut them to fit my 2ftx2ftx4ft screen enclosure. The real limbs are much better than dowels. Some people strip the bark from...
  15. mvad

    3 1/2 Year Old Veiled Chameleon Stopped Eating Crickets

    Do you feed your adult veiled every day? My male veiled is 1.5 years old and I feed staple feeders every other day. Roaches, crickets and hornworms (when I have them). He gets a few super worms on off days. I guess it totally depends on the cham on what he/she will eat on a given day. But not...
  16. mvad

    Cricket Crack!!!

    Absolutely amazing gut load for my crickets, dubias and superworms. I've noticed, in a short time, that my cricket feeders are more lively and die off has even reduced a good deal. Thanks Nick Barta, and my chameleon and bugs for that matter, thank you too.
  17. mvad

    Water source?

    Get the mistking and you won't have any issues. The monsoon is junk and will in time fail. They are not reliable misting systems. The very large consensus on this forum is that they are not worth buying, period. Do the research and you will see mistking is a far better system than the monsoon...
  18. mvad


    Monsoons are pure junk. Get a mistking and be done with it. Even though your so called bad with name please come up with one on your own. It's not anyone else's chameleon so try to name it yourself. Good luck and have fun with your new pet
  19. mvad

    Distilled Water

    I've been using distilled water for misting (mistking) for 15 months and have not had any mineral buildup in my nozzles. I feel it's safe as rain.
  20. mvad

    Veiled chameleon shedding

    Veilds require and thrive in 40-70% humidity.
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