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  1. Chameleon Guy 220

    Male RBBB

    His colors are so cool!
  2. Chameleon Guy 220

    Veiled or Panther Cham

    Ok. Thanks for all the help.
  3. Chameleon Guy 220

    Veiled or Panther Cham

    Ok. Thanks for all the help!
  4. Chameleon Guy 220

    Veiled or Panther Cham

    Hi all. I want to get a chameleon, but I was having a hard time deciding if I should get a veiled or a panther cham. I know that veiled are less expensive and easier to care for, but can have a temper and are less colorful. I know panthers are more colorful and have a very good temperament, but...
  5. Chameleon Guy 220

    Bioactive Build: 1 month in!

    @GoodKarma19 it looks so good!
  6. Chameleon Guy 220

    Male or female panther?

    They both look male
  7. Chameleon Guy 220

    The chameleon with no name, a journey of love and patience (VERY PIC HEAVY).

    @MedicMan1 Where did you get your chams from?
  8. Chameleon Guy 220

    Canopy chameleon?

    Yeah. Cuz they are so cool!
  9. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    @SauceGandhi Ok. Thanks
  10. Chameleon Guy 220

    CA power outage :(

    They have not turned my power off even though they said that it could happen at 12, then 8, now 10. PG&E needs to get their stuff together.
  11. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    Is it safe to feed you cham spiders?
  12. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    Thanks for all the help! @JoXie411 I will look at those books, they look very interesting!
  13. Chameleon Guy 220

    Canopy chameleon?

    They are so cute!
  14. Chameleon Guy 220

    Chameleons Are Awesome

    Chameleons Are Awesome
  15. Chameleon Guy 220

    CA power outage :(

    So mad that there might be an outage.
  16. Chameleon Guy 220

    Vets In The Bay Area.

    Ok. Thanks!
  17. Chameleon Guy 220

    Vets In The Bay Area.

    Ok, I will look into both of those places. @lokiopolis where did you get your cham?
  18. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    Thanks for the replies. They really helped.
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