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  1. Chameleon Guy 220

    Please no hate I need HELP!!!

    @eddiboi any luck finding her?
  2. Chameleon Guy 220

    Vets In The Bay Area.

    Hi all. I was wondering where the best vet in the Bay Area is. Thanks for the help!
  3. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    I am going to start another thread just for this question.
  4. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    @jannb Thanks for the help!
  5. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    @Ana Ok. Thanks for the help!
  6. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    @AnamCara Thank you for telling me the price. I am 25 and I have been setting aside money for a cham. I don't know if I am close to a good vet I have not looked into that.
  7. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    @AnamCara what breeds of cham do you have?
  8. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    @AnamCara do you know what the cost is for the whole setup without the cham?
  9. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    @AnamCara do you feed Veiled chams that same thing that you would feed Panther chams?
  10. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    @AnamCara and @Tony_S do you feed babies and juveniles the same types of food as adults just smaller, or is it completely different food?
  11. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    Ok. How do you take care of crickets and other bugs?
  12. Chameleon Guy 220

    What is the best food for chameleons?

    Hi. I am thinking about getting a chameleon and I wanted to know what types of food you feed your chams. Thanks for the help.
  13. Chameleon Guy 220

    Is it so wrong that I saw this today and wanted one in my size?!?!

    I don't know I just googled "chameleon outfit."
  14. Chameleon Guy 220

    Please no hate I need HELP!!!

    Try looking where there are a lot of insects for her to eat.
  15. Chameleon Guy 220

    Please no hate I need HELP!!!

    I hope you find your cham!
  16. Chameleon Guy 220

    Chameleon Shipping

    Ok, cool.
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