Chameleon Enthusiast
@AnamCara do you know what the cost is for the whole setup without the cham?
Look at the links I sent you -- they all have prices listed in them.
I can tell you that through trial and error, plants, vet appointments and not to mention the time I have put into learning / exploring this hobby -- close to $2500 (I'm probably under estimating here.)
@AnamCara what breeds of cham do you have?
I have a female panther chameleon -- she is very chill has a nice temperment but I still don't handler her often as it stresses her out.
She also lays infertile eggs which is its own hurdle.
How old are you? Do you have a good job and access to a good reptile vet? I ask because often younger folks get chams and find they can't get them to a vet or afford the cost.
Chameleons are not a pet -- they are a hobby. An incredibly rewarding one -- but the up front setup is the most expensive and hardest learning curve. Now that mostly her whole system except food delivery is automated -- it's fairly simple.
NOTE -- the food is not all the chameleon needs -- it will also need supplements (calcium, calcium w d3 and multivitamin -- or an all in one)