Thanks. I had her for a year and yea your right she loves being out and she knows me! I swear she recongnizes my voice at times. She is far from text book. the only thing with her is she does spend time at the bottom of her cage which is 3ft when she wants my attention to get out but i knew she...
Hi my female just layed her first clutch. I'm a lil confused as once I removed the eggs she went straight back into her laying bin. Was I wrong in removing her eggs could she still have more eggs or should I take the bin out... Any info will be greatly appreciated. Sam
Hello can anyone help. My female veiled chameleons defiantly gravid. She has been diggin in her layin bin two days now but don't think she has layed is this normal? I dida practice hole just to check sand was moist enough really but she doesn seem to be digging holes they look wider than other...
I did a bit but I used the reptile soil and it smelt quite bad so ended up throwing it. At that point i had little knowledge about Gravid chameleons but am a lil worried now aa i love her so much and do as much as I can. I have got a book but ther nit much in there and many sites say different...
My chameleons is a veiled she is 10months old. Bout 3 months ago she started digging qnd stopped eating. She went a very dark green with bright yellow spots. I put a laying bin on her viv. For 2months she has been fine eating fine not diggin and her usual self could she have layed her eggs and...
Not really no... I got her a new Layin bin today as I think the other is too small but she has started diggin the other one so shall I not change it or does it not matter x
My veiled went off her food food... She then started to dig around the bottom of her cage I ashamed she was gravid so put a laying bin in. Today she haas started eating properly and a lot too but I have actually seen get dig in her bin could she have already layed during the 6 hours I work in a...
Carmen is a veiled chameleon 9 months old she is digging the floor of her cage a lot and only occasionally goin to her laying bin is the normal or have I not set her laying bin up correctly she is goin behind the tree where the laying bin is near the front of the cage.,
She seems to be digging round the substrate in her cage but only sometime going to the bin. Do I need to be worried?? She almost seems to be bypassing it