My Cham has dusted/gutloaded
Crickets as a staple and worms as a treat. @jannb , hate to call her out, but she's the "queen of veilds" and can tell you all you need to know.
Good advice. I'd even say small-medium crickets daily and use worms as a treat. My female veiled loves any kind of worm, mainly hornworms or pheonix worms.
Hard to tell, but Is your enclosure screened or glass? If screened, you can get small crickets to climb the sides and he can get them then. Otherwise you may need to make a feeding cup to see exactly how many feeders he's eating. He'll learn pretty quick where the food is
Maybe he's just full? If he's still pretty young, he may just be full and not so much "cuddling" with his food....? He actually looks asleep in that pic so....
Ahh, he's a heartbreaker. There's just something about baby veiled faces that I love! He's so sweet! Congrats on your new baby! Do you have a name yet??