Her lights have gone off for the night so I can get some tomorrow this is her eating Saturday. Her lay bin is filled with washed play sand that can hold a tunnel (I check at least once a week) and has been in her cage for 2 months now.
I have a 6 month old female veiled chameleon. About a week ago I noticed her coloring has been darker, even when she is alone in the room. She is generally pretty bright green but lately has shown more black spotting or is just a dark green/blackish color when I’m in there. The only time I...
Thank you! We go on vacation next week also so I want to make sure that she has enough bugs available in between pet sitter check ins without over feeding this will help me out
I have combed through websites and forums and can’t seem to get a straight answer or clear suggestion. I have a 5-6 month old female veiled chameleon. I know due to egg laying that she needs to be cut down from her current 7-10 bugs per day feeding but I don’t want to cut her down too much too...
Another picture from this afternoon instead. She’s been hanging out up on her feeder since this morning which is much higher up and getting light. She also seems to be more territorial of her fancy new cage but she is enjoying it just wanted to make sure it wasn’t out of the ordinary for her to...
Yes I will be getting another bigger pothos this week. That tape is only on the outside holding plastic on temporarily for the winter to help with humidity (I hate the look but it helps) I’ll check her eye out again when I get home but last she was checked it was okay and just a mark from an...
Hi, so she is just starting to show a very little bit of big girl colors but still now seeing anything obvious just some lighter stripes than usual. I did notice her basking a couple times but it’s hard to tell if she has as I work 8 hours a day and she could be going up there when I gone, in...
Updated cham questionnaire for added info
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? 5(ish) months old, veiled cham, female, 2 months
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Once a week as we build trust through...
I have a 5(ish) month old female veiled. 6 days ago we moved her from her small reptibreeze starter enclosure (that had fake plants and wasn’t the greatest) into a 2x2x4 enclosure with live plants, lots of crawling space, a nice lay bin and even a mistking system. BUT although she seemed...
Yes! Her bin is all set up and ready to go in her big girl cage that she will be moving into this week! I’m so nervous for that. Right now I’m still feeding her daily about 5-6 bsfl and 3-4 crickets depending on size. Should I cut that down some already? I’ve done a lot of research as soon as I...
Couldn’t find anything like this in posts…I have an approx. 5 month old female veiled cham. And recently I’ve noticed sometimes she has this brown/tan striping along the top of her head and face (see attached pictures). Is this normal or a sign that something may be wrong? It looks lighter in...
after years of watching the poorly cared for chams in my local petsmart behind tiny glass enclosures I was shocked when I moved to a new areas recently and they actually have a proper screen enclosure set up for the their current cham girl! I later met that store manager through a friend and...
Thanks for all of this info. I’ve been trying to get away from crickets because I know there’s more nutritious feeders out there but she loves them, and loves hunting when they get loose, and I don’t mind them much.
Oh no I’m pretty sure I have one lost in the enclosure and can’t find it. Thank god we’re moving to a bigger one soon. I don’t do bugs which is why I will be completely okay if she ends up not wanting the roaches
Yes they’re smaller than the space between her eyes and I’ve been cup feeding since I got her. Usually I’ll hold the cup for her she eats a couple bugs then I leave it in it’s stand for her to finish on her own. I do plan on getting a full throttle feeder as I am currently setting up a larger...
I have an approx. 4 month old veiled girl who seems to not be a fan of Dubia roaches. I’ve had her about a month and a half and have been feeding crickets and the occasional wax worms. She generally eats between 5-10 crickets a day and is slowing down on numbers as she gets older. I was...
I’m in upstate New York and have a screen cage. For winter months as a temporary solution that can be removed in the summer we use the window plastic on the cage to hold in humidity