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  1. Santi4407

    Lenard my Nosy Be

    Niceee!!! good job on the cage it came out real simple and good. I actually wouldn't mind doing one of those for mine when he gets here, if i didn't have it set up already. He's looking really good though!
  2. Santi4407

    My Kammerflage Kreations Nosy Be

    Who's the sire?
  3. Santi4407

    Dart frogs are complicated!

    Thoughs in my head have been running around so much thinking bout doing an all natural viv and eventually adding dart frogs. There are such nice ones out there and it's definitely a work of art in it's own right. Just the thought of having my own is such a tease but it's one thing I would want...
  4. Santi4407

    Lil' Faly with big stones..

    Good looking guys you got there!
  5. Santi4407

    Anyone from Long Island! Might want to see this

    I'm almost positive it was a real croc the guy woulda told you himself 5 bucks to go downstairs n see it. plus at one time they had a baby in the turtle pond in the front of the store... but really i never went to their old shop this one didn't seem shabby at all.. i can only speak for the...
  6. Santi4407

    Anyone from Long Island! Might want to see this

    crazy right?.. at the end of the day i wish them the best cause you don't see many reptile stores around and we all love reptiles.. i would hate to see them closed down but if you have the opportunity to have a reptile store cross your T's n dot your I's n do it right.
  7. Santi4407

    Anyone from Long Island! Might want to see this

    To be honest they seem alright for face value and the guy doug seems a solid dude most of their animals seem fine n i can't say much about that. When it comes to chameleons I've seen on at least 4 or 5 occasions chams not looking well and I've been there less than 10 times. And this cham i...
  8. Santi4407

    Anyone from Long Island! Might want to see this

    Somebody definitely got pissed with what they're doing there n called that in..they been open for 13 yrs I think.. But you already know you can only do but so much before it catches up to you.. I could imagine the fines there gonna have to pay especially for having that croc in the basement n...
  9. Santi4407

    Anyone from Long Island! Might want to see this

    Same store had this poor fella about a year ago trying to sell him for 300...
  10. Santi4407

    Anyone from Long Island! Might want to see this

    If you are from long island, New York you might be familiar with D n J reptiles in Seaford... You might or might know that they are a bit shady when it comes to proper care for the animals they keep... It goes to say it all catches up.... I just saw this posted on the door today when I went to...
  11. Santi4407


    We are definitely due some pics of the little guy...!lol
  12. Santi4407

    A Faly sneak peek

    He was definitely a monster! With some thick legs and a really thick tail.. Big boned Cham lol.... Can't wait to see some day pics of your new guy tho!
  13. Santi4407

    Silly Sleeping position - Baby Carpet Male

    Great pic!!! I've tried to get a few good sleeping pics but my Cham sleeps I'm the back and doesn't ever make it easy for me!
  14. Santi4407


    Great to see everything worked out! Enjoy the little guy! I can't wait to be in your position hopefully in a week or two.. Who is the sire of the little guy btw.. I also agree it's nice to see people offer help like this! NY is usually quiet around here it seems lol.
  15. Santi4407


    I can assist with a good amount of feeders... But we would just have to figure out how best we would be able to meet up. You can PM me if you want to see what can be worked out.
  16. Santi4407


    I'm from long island as well SonTigerPantherCham jus asked if I could help on another thread. I am also waiting on a Nosy Be form kammers too! They had told me the end of sept early oct. Wish I could help you out here...
  17. Santi4407

    good gut load

    No I'm in long island close to the city and I've never heard of Somers! Wish I could help. The Cham community is not big over here from what I've seen so far... I'm actualy jealous of you Californians lol
  18. Santi4407

    Enclosure Building Questions.

    Very good advice!! It can be a hastle getting them out with that panel.. Drives me nuts
  19. Santi4407

    good gut load

    This can help...
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