Anyone from Long Island! Might want to see this


New Member
If you are from long island, New York you might be familiar with D n J reptiles in Seaford... You might or might know that they are a bit shady when it comes to proper care for the animals they keep... It goes to say it all catches up.... I just saw this posted on the door today when I went to pick up some things...


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Same store had this poor fella about a year ago trying to sell him for 300...


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I remember the thread where they were trying to sell that sickly chameleon. It's no surprise to see that now a year later they have a notice on their door.
awesome. i've been telling most of the people i know that this was probably gonna happen soon. now i can spread the good news.:D
awesome. i've been telling most of the people i know that this was probably gonna happen soon. now i can spread the good news.:D
Somebody definitely got pissed with what they're doing there n called that in..they been open for 13 yrs I think.. But you already know you can only do but so much before it catches up to you.. I could imagine the fines there gonna have to pay especially for having that croc in the basement n charging $5 just to go down n see it..I would never support buying animas from them but they were a solid source for a variety of feeders!
Thats extremely sad.

Did anyone save that poor thing?
300 is pretty steep.
I highly doubt that poor guy made it it was disgusting how he looked
i am from long island, and i go there all the time. the head guy really know what he is talking about. i a shocked about that picture you put up of that chameleon. they are always helpful and nice. they have some really nice panther young panther right now that look good.
Somebody definitely got pissed with what they're doing there n called that in..they been open for 13 yrs I think.. But you already know you can only do but so much before it catches up to you.. I could imagine the fines there gonna have to pay especially for having that croc in the basement n charging $5 just to go down n see it..I would never support buying animas from them but they were a solid source for a variety of feeders!

I highly doubt that poor guy made it it was disgusting how he looked

I can't believe that. He looks like a walking skeleton. How could they even let him get to that point? Thats insane.

Croc in the basement? Talk about pushing the button! haha

Happy to see it is being taken care of. Karma always comes back around.
i am from long island, and i go there all the time. the head guy really know what he is talking about. i a shocked about that picture you put up of that chameleon. they are always helpful and nice. they have some really nice panther young panther right now that look good.

To be honest they seem alright for face value and the guy doug seems a solid dude most of their animals seem fine n i can't say much about that. When it comes to chameleons I've seen on at least 4 or 5 occasions chams not looking well and I've been there less than 10 times. And this cham i posted was bad, I've seen better at petsmart. I'm not saying F the dude n his business cuz its good to have a reptile store nearby. But do the right thing for your animals at the end of the day. I doubt the violation has anything to do with how they're taking care of the animals though but someone blew their spot up for reason.
Just out of curiosity, what does the third infraction say? it looks like it says "burberry Penguins." Hell, if I could get a penguin to wear designer duds, I'd advertise it!
To be honest they seem alright for face value and the guy doug seems a solid dude most of their animals seem fine n i can't say much about that. When it comes to chameleons I've seen on at least 4 or 5 occasions chams not looking well and I've been there less than 10 times. And this cham i posted was bad, I've seen better at petsmart. I'm not saying F the dude n his business cuz its good to have a reptile store nearby. But do the right thing for your animals at the end of the day. I doubt the violation has anything to do with how they're taking care of the animals though but someone blew their spot up for reason.

hell yes. Tell em :)
Somebody definitely got pissed with what they're doing there n called that in..they been open for 13 yrs I think.. But you already know you can only do but so much before it catches up to you.. I could imagine the fines there gonna have to pay especially for having that croc in the basement n charging $5 just to go down n see it..I would never support buying animas from them but they were a solid source for a variety of feeders!

I highly doubt that poor guy made it it was disgusting how he looked

do you mean an actual crocodile, or are you talking about the croc monitor? i remember seeing the monitor before they moved next door, in the giant cage right next to the PUFF ADDER haha. i never went in the basement; the few times i've been there were quick and i just looked at what they had for sale. honestly, whatever they had down there i wasn't interested in. i was questioning more as to why all the snakes had mites and why there were a few dead animals lying around. i went to the new store once with a friend (who previously bought a GTP from them; they said it was captive bred and it had 3 different internal parasites :rolleyes: ) and again, i wasn't impressed. that was the last time i went in that place.

and i agree, even with immediate vet treatment, i don't think there would have been much hope.

i am from long island, and i go there all the time. the head guy really know what he is talking about. i a shocked about that picture you put up of that chameleon. they are always helpful and nice. they have some really nice panther young panther right now that look good.

about 3 years ago i first entered their store, and at first sight i knew they were going to be sketchy. dead animals, parasites, and not to mention the "head guy" at the time is lighting up cigarettes right next to a case of bins with snakes in them (i'm a smoker too, but i don't subject my animals or anyone elses to it; that would be WRONG). they can pretend to know what they're talking about, and they can seem so helpful and nice, but in the long run they're just trying to make another extra dollar like most (but not all) pet stores. this is why researching through books, websites, forums like this one are so important. these are the people you want to ask the questions to. those really nice panthers that are young and look good probably just got to that store; if the store didn't close, i'd ask you to go back in a week or two and let me know how they looked.
It says building permits.
haha, ok. I was so confused for a hot second and kept trying to figure it out I got Burberry Penguins, Burning Papyrus, Budding Periodics, etc etc. I think Burning Papyrus would be a good violation over building permits.
I can't believe that. He looks like a walking skeleton. How could they even let him get to that point? Thats insane.

Croc in the basement? Talk about pushing the button! haha

Happy to see it is being taken care of. Karma always comes back around.

crazy right?.. at the end of the day i wish them the best cause you don't see many reptile stores around and we all love reptiles.. i would hate to see them closed down but if you have the opportunity to have a reptile store cross your T's n dot your I's n do it right.
do you mean an actual crocodile, or are you talking about the croc monitor? i remember seeing the monitor before they moved next door, in the giant cage right next to the PUFF ADDER haha. i never went in the basement; the few times i've been there were quick and i just looked at what they had for sale. honestly, whatever they had down there i wasn't interested in. i was questioning more as to why all the snakes had mites and why there were a few dead animals lying around. i went to the new store once with a friend (who previously bought a GTP from them; they said it was captive bred and it had 3 different internal parasites :rolleyes: ) and again, i wasn't impressed. that was the last time i went in that place.
I'm almost positive it was a real croc the guy woulda told you himself 5 bucks to go downstairs n see it. plus at one time they had a baby in the turtle pond in the front of the store... but really i never went to their old shop this one didn't seem shabby at all.. i can only speak for the handful of chams I've seen there and even if i only saw one cham if it looks this bad its way over the line..

haha, ok. I was so confused for a hot second and kept trying to figure it out I got Burberry Penguins, Burning Papyrus, Budding Periodics, etc etc. I think Burning Papyrus would be a good violation over building permits.
lol you were getting there
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