If you use a brand like ReptiGLO instead of ReptiSUN, it is reccomended to use both a 5.0 and a 2.0 to equal the same UVB as the ReptiSUN, it's a better deal in the end to buy the Reptisun bulb.
Haha it was a joke.
UVB lights are NOT needed for a snake.
There is no evidence showing it makes any difference for most species of snakes. It makes the cages look a bit better lit, but its not neccesary for their health.
Hmm, he is still up there, he got off the car and is crawling around sorta, he looks lethargic today, I wonder if he ate yet?
I think he might hang from his back feet and snag crix on the trees, that is what it looks like.
You cannot take anywhere near the same type of picture with DSLR that you can with a point and shoot.
You can not take high speed shots, good marco shots, cannot adjust shutter speed or apature, those are the basics of photography, and a PandS wont get you the same results a DSLR...
Late last night he got up there, and there is this 2" wide bar that goes across the top of his tank, he got up there and slept last night, it was kinda odd.
He hasnt gotten down yet this morning, it's been 2 hours.