Where do you keep your Chams?

I have an extra bedroom that I keep my 4 chams in. It was my music room but I moved all of that to the garage when we started having practice at my house. I left one of my guitars in there and the strings rusted real quick cause of the humidifier hahaha duh.
Oh AFH I like your set up that is great and linkin do you put a clip on its nose before your duty or do you make him suffer.
Chameleon Dreams:

I really like your metal racks. Did you get those local or did you find them on the internet?
Cham lives in my bedroom in his 24x24x48 mesh viv, with his old exo terra glass viv full of 100 or so locusts and another plastic viv with crickets in.
Sometimes hav to put the crickets in the airing cuboard tho wen they do my head in from all the chirping in the middle of the night!
its only the adult crix that make the noise, ur cham is still little so the crix he eats are little too. my cham is 10months now so he eats the noisy crix lol
Mine used to be in my room. One morning the misting lines broke and when the misting timer went on, it shot water all over my bed. I woke up in a huge panic and by the time I figured out that I should unplug the stupid thing, my bed was totally soaked. After that I moved my cham to the garage. I think it is better for him now because he gets alot more privacy.
Mine used to be in my room. One morning the misting lines broke and when the misting timer went on, it shot water all over my bed. I woke up in a huge panic and by the time I figured out that I should unplug the stupid thing, my bed was totally soaked. After that I moved my cham to the garage. I think it is better for him now because he gets alot more privacy.

HAHAHAHA I damn near spit the sandwich I am currently eating all over my computer due to the strong impulse to laugh… I can just imagine the WTF IS THIS, RAIN?!!? AWWWWW Where is it coming from! I had something like that happen to me… I just moved my racks back inside from a nice afternoon of sun and re-hooked up the misting system then turned it on to get all the plants wet… Then out of nowhere a line came off and started pumping water all over me aimed right at my face! After a few seconds of hollering at the little woman to stop squirting me (I was right by an open window to the back yard:confused:) I realized that the line from the pump to the first misting nozzle (head level and bent towards me of course) was not connected and I was soaking myself… I now check that connection first… :rolleyes:

My reptile room is a patio that I walled in. It runs the whole length of my home and is about 12’ wide. All and all it is about 550 square feet; we have a swamp cooler installed to keep everything cool and humid during the summer, GFI circuit wiring with like 7000 outlets, windows along the whole thing and a nice bank of heaters to keep it warm in the winter. I forget who’s room it is that has the jungle type paint job but now Darci is trying me to let her paint ours like that too… We have lots of room to grow! :D
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