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  1. E

    What is the natural size/range of chameleon territory in the wild?

    I am curious what the natural size of a chameleon's territory is in the wild. I'm sorry I don't know the technical term for this.....I'm trying to find out roughly how far a male would travel around a given point (or are they completely nomadic and just wander without any territorial attachment...
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    MEGA Self-standing Free-range build 3'x3'x8' with build-log

    Got him from ActionJackson on these boards....he is a 2 year old Jackson's with a severe spine deformity. Looking at him, you'd never expect him to make it as old as he has. Little guy can barely eat too...he can't pick off a cricket at 2" away. I have to handfeed him and it takes him 2-3...
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    I have had excessive problems with organic soils bought at Home Depot.....I have switched to "FOX FARMS OCEAN SOIL" (the stuff everyone uses for hydroponic "gardening").....and my plants grow MUCH faster and I have not had a single gnat incident. I ***HIGHLY*** recommend this stuff. As...
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    Uva and Uvb

    I know everyone says I'm too nitpicky and technical, but I can't help it... UVA is not "heat"; it is merely part of the UV spectrum. All light carries with it energy. Heat is merely the result of the transfer or dispersion of this energy (for example, when the light hits something and is...
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    Carnivorous Plants in Chameleon Enclosures

    I dropped a good chunk of money into CPs and bought ~10 a few months ago (supposedly highland Nepenthes that can be raised as houseplants)..... over the 3 months, 7 have died, 2 are slowly wilting and 1 has shown <1inch of matter what I do, they seem to die.... could use any...
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    Congratulations to ferretinmyshoes

    Congrats!! I graduate law school tomorrow morning myself....always wished I had gone to vet school instead...still considering going back... o:) edit: Do vets have to take boards of some kind ?
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    Growing Grass

    I always wondered how easily we could grow grass using coco matts but never did the test..... have you tried growing them on other surfaces at all? like on a wall? I will definitely be trying this.........
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    Normal pygmy behavior?

    Although on occasion they may close their eyes, they should not be sleeping during the day on a regular basis. Generally speaking, sleeping during the day is a sign that something is wrong. If you fill out the "help form" (pasted below) we can better pinpoint any potential issues :)...
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    MEGA Self-standing Free-range build 3'x3'x8' with build-log

    I got a better video up showing the free-range during rain, although there are several aspects that I have still been unable to tend to (graduating and all :)) Also starring my very dehydrated and deformed new friend :)
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    After one month our cage is developing nicely

    If one is using a glass cage with improper setup, this is extremely correct. However, this is not necessarily true if you correctly setup a drainage layer, especially in a screen setup. If your substrate is sitting on the bottom of your drainage, then yes it will absorb the water; however if...
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    I do not recommend for one simple reason: UVB must be changed every 6 months even though it will not stop putting out light. If you were to buy the 2-in-1 bulb, you pay more for your bulb (in an effort to save money on two bulbs) but you are FORCED to change that bulb ~6 months anyway, which...
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    New Pygmies! (Thanks ataraxia!) Girls or boys?

    I'd be tempted to say they are males from the pics, but its always hard to tell. #4 seems male, #3 though is really hard to tell.....could it be a temp? he does look a little different, but I've never had temps (and he doesn't seem to have the little spike under his chin? perhaps thats just the...
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    how much can i sell hi m for??

    It depends... -who are his parents? -where did you get him (who bred him, or if he was wild caught who imported him)? -Age? -Has he been bred? He looks pretty good though In my personal opinion, the answers to the above will only mildly vary his price, but NOT knowing the answers...
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    MEGA Self-standing Free-range build 3'x3'x8' with build-log

    mine get really nicely soaked too, and drain out (they don't sit in water, but if i squeeze the ball of moss water will drip out). my one healthy one is still growing, but at a REALLY slow rate my other ones are slowly withering biggest one is directly under the misting...
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    Enclosure sizes?

    @Hdale: I didn't follow the thread too closely, but what you "NEED" is 1 basking light (for heat) and 1 UVB light. That is all you "need". For ideal plant growth, and as some have argued improved behavior/etc/etc you can supplement with 6500K ("full spectrum") bulbs which will help, but are...
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    Arcadia T5HO 12% uvb output -solarmeter-

    The meters must be calibrated to properly work. Also, only the solarmeter 6.2 reads UVB, the other versions read various other UV and light indices....perhaps they had a different model or improper calibration? I agree with you that we can do more, and I think those members with solarmeters...
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    My cham dosent eat inside the house

    are you also supplying UVB?
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    Arcadia T5HO 12% uvb output -solarmeter-

    I would have to agree with Hoj's approach here in "matching" the current status-quo outputs. My reasoning in this approach is the following: -Having too little UVB can lead to problems, we all know this; however, we know that the current bulb outputs are sufficient to meet the "floor"...
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    MEGA Self-standing Free-range build 3'x3'x8' with build-log

    According to my research, CP's, and Nepenthes in particular, are used to growing in bog conditions and actually require a substrate with very low nutritional content to grow well. The only nepenthes specific fertilizer which I have seen suggested is one very high in acidity and low in other...
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    Urgent help needed. My cham is unwell.

    If you fill out the help form, we can better tell you how to fix your husbandry issues. I don't mean to sound negative, but it sounds like there are many corrections that should be made here. As for the mouth rot; if it is indeed an infection you NEED a vet. There is no way around this...
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