Uva and Uvb

I have a reptiglo 5.0 uvb light
It has 33% uva and 5% uvb
Do i need another bulb too?

Im unsure what all products they make under the repti-glo name, but no repti-glo product I know of puts out UVA(heat).

Fluorescent bulbs do not put out any mentionable heat, linear of CFL.

If its a fluorescent bulb, you will need a regular household bulb for UVA as well.

What type of cham?

I would recommend switching to a white house bulb for heat. It will more accurately replicate the sun.

What watt?
Im unsure what all products they make under the repti-glo name, but no repti-glo product I know of puts out UVA(heat).

I know everyone says I'm too nitpicky and technical, but I can't help it...

UVA is not "heat"; it is merely part of the UV spectrum. All light carries with it energy. Heat is merely the result of the transfer or dispersion of this energy (for example, when the light hits something and is absorbed or reflected).

As for the OPs question: You will need a UVB light and a source of heat. The Powersun puts out BOTH UVB and Heat, so you can use only that but please remember that UVB output decreases over time and UVB is invisible....your bulb will stop producing UVB before it burns out and must be changed regardless. The only way to know is with a UVB meter; it is for this reason I think most ppl use a separate UVB bulb that they simply change out every 6 months (avg lifespan of current bulbs)

You can use the IR light for heat, but I would agree with Snake on switching to a "daylight" colored incandescent bulb. The additional light may be beneficial for your cham and it will definitely be beneficial for your plants.

Don't worry about your UVA output so much, its UVB we need to be concerned about. The 5.0 is the right UVB light :)
I know everyone says I'm too nitpicky and technical, but I can't help it...

UVA is not "heat"; it is merely part of the UV spectrum. All light carries with it energy. Heat is merely the result of the transfer or dispersion of this energy (for example, when the light hits something and is absorbed or reflected).

Thanks! ;)
Here is some useful info on UV A and B!

Please see the below info.
"Your Herpetological Lighting Specialists"
[email protected]

Unlike humans, who have ‘trichromatic’ vision, enabling us to see only three primary colours - red, green and blue, we now know that many reptiles, amphibians and other species, have ‘tetrachromatic’ vision. This enables them to see the shorter UVA wavelengths (320-400 nm) of the spectrum that form a part of natural sunlight. Reds are redder and greens are greener – life without UV would be the equivalent of us seeing everything in black and white, only worse. This UVA, or fourth primary, can be critical for behaviour and even affect appetite. A reluctant feeder may need UVA light to stimulate its appetite. UVA is also needed to induce reproductive behaviour. Lizards have been found to possess ultra violet reflectance patterns on their skin, which indicate reproductive glands in particular. Female panther chameleons seek out UV light when preparing to lay eggs. Depriving a reptile of UVA light would be like making it live in a darkened room.

Light Most reptiles need to synthesize vitamin D3 in their skin for their healthy growth for which UV light falling within a particular wave band, known as UVB (290-320 nm), is required. Although Vitamin D3 can be commercially obtained from animal sources, and given to reptiles with their food, studies have indicated that dietary D3 cannot replace the D3 synthesized in the skin from sunlight, even in reptiles injected with supplemental vitamin D3. The vitamin D type derived from plants is vitamin D2 and is not suitable for proper calcium metabolism. For the best results, vitamin D3 must be obtained from regular exposure to UVB light, either from natural sunlight or specialist reptile lamps.
I know everyone says I'm too nitpicky and technical, but I can't help it...

UVA is not "heat"; it is merely part of the UV spectrum. All light carries with it energy. Heat is merely the result of the transfer or dispersion of this energy (for example, when the light hits something and is absorbed or reflected).

As for the OPs question: You will need a UVB light and a source of heat. The Powersun puts out BOTH UVB and Heat, so you can use only that but please remember that UVB output decreases over time and UVB is invisible....your bulb will stop producing UVB before it burns out and must be changed regardless. The only way to know is with a UVB meter; it is for this reason I think most ppl use a separate UVB bulb that they simply change out every 6 months (avg lifespan of current bulbs)

You can use the IR light for heat, but I would agree with Snake on switching to a "daylight" colored incandescent bulb. The additional light may be beneficial for your cham and it will definitely be beneficial for your plants.

Don't worry about your UVA output so much, its UVB we need to be concerned about. The 5.0 is the right UVB light :)

your just right.
You are right on.

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