tommorow im going again to the vet.She didint slept at all the whole night,her left eye is black,her right hand looks like is dislocated suddenly and she moves her hands wrong.I think she is worse now.Im mixing the calcium powder with water and put it in a syringe and give trough her mouth the...
He have a bit of sunken eyes.Can be from cold?Or from too much staying in the car?I think his motion ability is healing,but he still didint defecate ,and didint eat for 2 days.This could be a problem?
Is he look ok?
I went for another vet and this one make her an injection I think with calcium he also gave me some vitamins for oral use to stimulate the transit.and he told me to wait few more days to defecate and also told me that is not yet the time to lay eggs.She was in car with me like 3 hours today and...
But she moves 10% of her lags and tail ,she can gap with her claws as hard as before,she can twist her tail 2-3 times.The vet told me that is not complete paralysis because she is able to move and grip and that she is going to regenerate.
tommorow I'm going to another vet for second opinion.I heard oxytocin is good to help her lay her eggs faster,but im not sure if she is prepared to lay eggs yet what is the time before she can lay eggs.
Is she doing right?she is like 1 year old. Is the best I can provide where I am! What is the maximum time she can stay with the eggs inside untill is in danger?Im praying for her right now.she ate like 3 super worms today,what if she won't poop. I mention she only peed since the fall.
What kind hole should I dig?I have to stay in another town for 1 more night, in 1-2 days I'll go to the other vet.Im afraid she suffered internal damage inclusive to her eggs :((
I have some questions and I'm really scared for her,the vet told me to make the surgery in 1 week if she can't lay the eggs in natural way.What if is too late for her and she is already in trouble and she will die until surgery because she can't lay the eggd natural?help me please,what should I...
I'll post the picture as soon as I can, that would be tommorow night.Some advices about how should I feed her and how should I hydrate her would be really helpful.
Thank you so much for asking,we went to the vet today her spine is a bit displaced but not broken,she also have like 50 eggs and if she can't lay eggs we will make surgery to take them out,the vet told me to wait like a week and to put her in warm place with sand.I will post the photos from the...