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  1. pwerfulyifu


    so since i live in cali, the atmosphere is pretty dry. i got a humidifier that runs for 12 hours. im hoping it doesnt make my room into a swimming pool by the end of the day, i was also thinking, since the humidifier is pretty small, handheld size, has a one gallon tank for water. maybe i could...
  2. pwerfulyifu

    frilled dragon

    so since im inheriting a super large bird cage that has a mesh divider in the middle. im thinking of putting my veiled on one side and a frilled dragon on the other. i read a little about them and they have really similar husbandry, except for the calcium dusting. other than that, they're both...
  3. pwerfulyifu

    awww yeah

    one of my dad's friend is moving to a new house and they no longer want the outdoor bird cage they have. looks like a new outdoor for my veiled soon. its like 8 ft tall by 15 feet length by 4 feet wide. protected by maximum security deathrow san quentin prison metal mesh 1inx1in. meaning its...
  4. pwerfulyifu

    finally finished the cage

    some chick at the reptile convention yesterday told me that if you have too much vegetation, they will hide and become more shy and unwilling to be handled.
  5. pwerfulyifu

    fish tank

    i always read about petco or petsmart people being terrible at chams. but how about their knowledge on fish?
  6. pwerfulyifu

    fish tank

    hi. im planning on adding a fish tank to my room near my cham cage. do you think he would get stressed out by seeing the fish? or should i just give it a try and see his reactions. i mean he's not the easily stressed type. my dog comes in and out all the time and he dont really mind.
  7. pwerfulyifu

    san jose reptile show

    i also saw two adult panthers housed together. one was on a top perch and the other on the perch below. i asked why they're not killing each other. the guy said they were an exception and they are extremely friendly and can coexist with each other. have any of you come across a communal minded...
  8. pwerfulyifu

    san jose reptile show

    yup. just got back from a reptile convention. got myself a nice millipede. saw some awesome chameleons. got to hold some too. too bad my camera decided that my pictures were irrelevent. :mad:
  9. pwerfulyifu

    acrylic cage

    anyone seen the new acrylic cage from diy? what's up with those? anyone use those before?
  10. pwerfulyifu

    Chameleons do they make noise?

    umm. hmm...mine lets out sighs sometimes. that's ok right?
  11. pwerfulyifu

    Comment by 'pwerfulyifu' in media 'Vlad 074'

    that is one nice jungle gym. fake plants? real plants? or both
  12. pwerfulyifu

    Question about Veiled Chameleons

    mine didnt turn out so bad. i got mine when he was just a green little youngster. but i wouldnt say mine is the nice, reach for you hand everytime you come by type either. more neutral. "oh you wanna hold me? oh ok." "time to go back? oh ok"
  13. pwerfulyifu

    checking on my veiled

    so today i noticed a white patch on the lower jaw of my veiled. he's eating like a beast, runs around all the time, never sleeps during the day or have his mouth open. just wondering what that white patch is, didnt notice it yesterday. probably shedding again? yeah anything that that he looks...
  14. pwerfulyifu

    1.1 veiled

    huh. interesting. so are these numbers specifically for this forum or its commonly used? who came up with them?
  15. pwerfulyifu

    1.1 veiled

  16. pwerfulyifu

    1.1 veiled

    what does that even mean? when people put that in their signatures. or like 0.0.2 ambilobe. what do these numbers mean?
  17. pwerfulyifu

    think about melleri

    huh...i havent really thought about that. so if i were to set up an indoor free range then, it doesnt have to be THAT big right? say like a quarter of a master bedroom should suffice?
  18. pwerfulyifu

    think about melleri

    if you free range isnt the only way to feed is to cup feed or hand feed? i mean wouldnt the bugs run away and go all over the house? plus i believe a large backyard enclosure is the only option i can go with because first im worried about dealing with all that drainage, second it saves me alot...
  19. pwerfulyifu

    think about melleri

    yeah i have been PMing her. but more owners' experience is always appreciated :)
  20. pwerfulyifu

    think about melleri

    thanks carlton that was very informative. i was wondering if i can build a large outdoor enclosure. would that work as well?
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