san jose reptile show


New Member
yup. just got back from a reptile convention. got myself a nice millipede. saw some awesome chameleons. got to hold some too. too bad my camera decided that my pictures were irrelevent. :mad:
i also saw two adult panthers housed together. one was on a top perch and the other on the perch below. i asked why they're not killing each other. the guy said they were an exception and they are extremely friendly and can coexist with each other. have any of you come across a communal minded panther before? hmm
Sounds awesome, I would really like to see the new millipede though! As for communal minded panthers? No not personally, but I do know a breeder who has two adult male veileds who seem to tolerate eachother. It's sort of funny they just kind of mind their own business!
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