Can they not climb up the glass sides? I just got an order yesterday and didn't think they would be able to climb the sides but they seem to pretty easily. Are plastic tubs harder for roaches to climb up?
If I did use a palm I definitely would add alot more vines and branches for him. I also found a Dracaena Marginata for a good price too but cant find much info as far as being toxic or not. The link below is abou the best pic I could find one. Anyone know anything about these...
I found a really nice cat palm(Chamaedorea cataractarum) and am curious if they are safe for chams or if anyone has every used them in their enclosures before?
My 8 month old veiled has been shedding in parts too. Fisrt his casque and i little patch on his back about a month ago. then nothing until 3 days and hes slowly been shedding everything else now. The only thing that hasnt started is his face and mouth area and his eye. Sure does seem like...
Well I try as best I can to have lots of variety but its a little difficult where I live. IM about an hour and a half from Denver in the mountains so I pretty much have to order all my veileds food whatever that may be. I decided to stay with crickets for now which is mostly what he"ll be fed...
Man they sure are cute when they're young. I couldnt wait for my male veiled to grow up and now that he's 7 months old i kinda wish he was little like that again...... Nice pics by the way:)
Very nice cham! I love it too when my male veiled grabs his own tail and yanks on it or grabs his own leg and cant figure out why he cant move suddenly.:D Havent ever got a pic of him doing it though........