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  1. JoshCrane1

    Change Things Up?

    i wouldnt change too often, my chams seem to get pissed and it takes them a few days to adjust. i think it would be weird to come home from work one day and my tv and couch were in a different spot, would mess with my head also.
  2. JoshCrane1

    chameleon chewing on branch

    my male used to chew his white ziptie, i changed the ziptie to a twist tie and it seemed to work so far.
  3. JoshCrane1

    China Doll - Radermachera sinica

    i hope the plant isnt on steroids and has a man voice
  4. JoshCrane1

    Screen Resolution

    my laptop is so old it farts flux residue when i turn it on.
  5. JoshCrane1

    how do you think my veiled is looking?

    i compare wax worms to mcdonald's double cheeseburgers; if you know what i mean.
  6. JoshCrane1

    Gears of War 2 for xbox 360

    just beat the game last night on normal, yeah i know it was easy just dont have much time. i thought the ending was very anti-climactic, come on, at least the first gears had a guy that shot at you.
  7. JoshCrane1


    i find it a lot easier to go to the water machines near the grocery store and fill a 5 gallon jug to fill my 5 gallon resevoir, last me 3 weeks for 2 chams. and remember when you ro/di, you spend a lot more money in the long run because the yeild is like 20% tops. in other words it takes 5...
  8. JoshCrane1

    Apartments and Chameleons...

    my apartment has a pet policy and deposit and all that crap, but i mentioned i had a small lizard that doesnt bother anything and they didnt seem to mind much. and i second, that maintenance guys dont know you policy agreements and deposits, they are just there to do their job and get out, they...
  9. JoshCrane1

    Questions from a complete novice..

    pretty simple and it will help a lot.
  10. JoshCrane1

    Questions from a complete novice..

    im working on a servo activated feeding door from the chams cages to feeder containers, so that every other day the servo door would open and let feeders in, if all works out well i could leave for a couple weeks and just monitor everything via webcams.
  11. JoshCrane1

    picky eater

    ive tried houseflies ordered online and my chams went crazy for them. but i also heard blue bottle flies are larger and superior to houseflies but i havent tried them yet. i dont think flies would be ideal to fill chams bellies with, but to give em a treat and something new to eat; and stimulate...
  12. JoshCrane1

    Question for Opinions

    lol....i was just joking...but thanks for the thought.
  13. JoshCrane1

    picky eater

    the occasional flies and collard greens sparks my male's hunger.
  14. JoshCrane1

    im getting worried plz help!

    are the ladies swamping the tank?
  15. JoshCrane1

    Question for Opinions

    on the posistive side of imbreeding, i would love to see a chameleon with two heads, or two tails, or a double tongue would be cool, maybe a cham with an arm growing out of its forehead:eek:; that would be something to
  16. JoshCrane1

    picky eater

    silkworms and hornworms are the healthiest, but dont feed them exclusively cuz the chams poo will be like diarrihea; believe me i know, mine woke me up with the nastiest splattering and smell, i was grossed out.
  17. JoshCrane1

    Anyone Ride?

    i used to trail ride a z400 but i sold it a year or so back, nowhere to ride around here anymore and cops kept threatening to confiscate our quads when they caught us.
  18. JoshCrane1

    Gears of War 2 for xbox 360

    i have a great online name. A Stinky M0nkey lol just finished act 4 last night and i have to say that was my favorite so far.
  19. JoshCrane1

    A few pics from this weekend

    camille and my girl kamila could be sisters....pretty lady.
  20. JoshCrane1

    a multivitamin without D3?

    i use reptivite w/d3 and also reptivite without d3, depending on schedule.
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