Change Things Up?


New Member
I was wondering if after so many months if its a good idea to change around the enclosure? Would this give the cham the feeling of a new enclosure or just stress him out?

I was thinking of possibly moving the basking spot to the other side of the enclosure in the winter or something and like maybe move some braches, or is it best to just leave everything alone throughout the life of the cham?
i change my enclosure to an extent every weekend when i do a full clean of it. I have 3 plants i change up. A schleffera(umbrella plant), a hibiscus, and a ficus. So those all change out so they dont completely die and then the fake vines get put in different patterns and then i drape the pothos over the fake ones. So its different every week and he doesnt seem to mind.
IMHO Making some changes can serve as enrichment for your cham, but some parts of the cage should remain the same so it's still their territory.
i wouldnt change too often, my chams seem to get pissed and it takes them a few days to adjust. i think it would be weird to come home from work one day and my tv and couch were in a different spot, would mess with my head also.
then try this

i wouldnt change too often, my chams seem to get pissed and it takes them a few days to adjust. i think it would be weird to come home from work one day and my tv and couch were in a different spot, would mess with my head also.

I came home from school and found a whole wall missing in my house. when my mom gets bored she starts knocking stuff down. I'm almost afraid to leave home now.

but back to chameleons, last time I changed the setup (2 plants in a 10 gallon tank, she's only a baby) she looked at it a started hissing whenever I put her near it. Took ten minutes to get her in.
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