I spent $14.00 for a box of 1,000 large crickets. I go to a local pet store and the guy who owns the store is a good friend of mine. I also get 100 large mealworms for $4.00 He hooks me up.
Ok we bred our female on November 11th it was a weird moment. So they start to breed, they are done we take the female out, we wait a month or so turns out she was never pregnat. So we put her back in with the male they do there thing made sure that they did it a couple of times until they...
I think your female is a male. I have yet to see a female with those colors.
Who did you purchase it from ? I think regardless if its a he or a she it looks amazing. I really like those colors. I am doubting that if it is a male that it is a Nosy Be, To me it looks like a Blue bar Ambilobe baby...
I like Nosy Mitsio. I like how they can change from a lemon color to a lime color. I own one And at night his yellows are so vibrant i am amazed to see it.
I am going to have Michael take professional pictures of him. My camera just doesnt cut it. As we speak he is all glowing red with his green bars changing into yellow. I need to call him and set a shooting date.
This is helpful information from Liddy and Ed from kammerflage kreations.
Gravid females often show signs of "nesting" when they pace around the cage sides or floor of their environment. They are searching for a spot to lay their eggs. The location they are looking for is...