No tad...I'm kinda lay-n low with the chameleons for now....that was young female I bought last year on a deal I just couldn't resist!!!! Going crazy with the dart frogs now and I'll always have my tortoises...but someday ill get back into the chameleons....
I'll second what carol says!!! But just wondering, what part of the country are you located..theres got to be some other pet stores there that sell different sizes of crickets???!!!
If your cage is the screen type, sometimes little"critters" like to hide in the corners...And depending on how it was made there may be some gaps in the frame work where spiders may be able to go in and live inside hollow area of the alumnium frame!!! What I have had to do is take EVERYTHING out...
Along with my Chameleon hobby I do deal with poison dart frogs...pill bugs (isopods) are quite popular to culture as a food source...I have just begun to raise two types...giant orange and a dwarf type...the frogs love them...but I had never tried feeding them to chameleons...
My first question would be what kind are they...flightless or your normal wild type "flyers"... also my I suggest that you go to ""...those froggers over there really know flies!!!!
I have a dubia breeding colony for sale. A complete mix of males,females, subadults and least 80++ in all.
Pick-up only....
contact me at [email protected]